Cold pipe or Hot pipe?

^This is where experience p0wns reading, and that’s why I didn’t try to give serious advice initially, and just poked fun at Fobwall. lol

I think he meant “backfire” due to not re-circulating the system at all.
i.e. venting to atmosphere.

Yeah I was referring to metered air being vented, and a momentary rich period possibly causing backfiring or stalling if in neutral.

There is no answer to this question. It’s a matter of preference. It’s like asking God if your wife should give birth to a male or female.

Lol, if your constantly backfiring your cat won’t last long.

pick a side, cold or hot, mount it and forget about it.

Your going to be thinking too much about it.

the answer is to just THINK guys seriously.if you got a hallway/tunnel lets say 50feet long for argument sake,at the beginning of the tunnel youve got a huge waterpump fulling up the tunnel with with water also with alot of pressure,at the extreme end youve got a door.remember if that door was to periodically open and close where would a clash exist, at the door!! now if you were to put another door in place to relieve some of the pressure at that door wouldnt you want to place it near where the water would be clashing up against the end door? like an exit!

always think of your turbo, piping, intercooler, bov etc as a water system something that you can visualise flowing… it will even help you with diagnosing problems on your car like when you pop a coupler in an area thats not visible a leaking bov. etc.

so even though its not that much of a big deal i`d still put it on the sensible side even though i was recirculating. just run a longer recirculating hose.

fobwall double face palm for you lol

'Cause you’re hot then you’re cold
You’re yes then you’re no
You’re in and you’re out
You’re up and you’re down

Haiku time:

Cold pipe or hot pipe
Its all about preference
Do what floats your boat

Let’s get serious with the poetry. lolll



JEBUS people these days



be a man and dont run a bov…i dont.

bov noises are for ricers.

recirc is where its at.

and if you think your gangster enough do this…if you can figure out how to do it :slight_smile:



but amazing. lol

You know what Mike…then that just makes it easier for a hollowed out “low pro” cat :wink: haha jkz

thats a weird sounding bov. me dont like


Compressor surge FTW


the point was not how old it is. the point was the sound.