Cold Remedies

I was told to try nasal irrigation and it really worked for me. You need an apparatus to put the solution into in order to funnel it into your nose. You take warm water, not too hot, but not cold, add salt and stir. They make something for this but a turkey baster works, fill the apparatus with the solution tilt your head to one side and insert the end into which ever nostril is on top then slowly pour in. It will run through and come out the other side. Then do the other side. After do not blow your nose hard, and do not plug one side and blow the other. Let the solution break down the mucous. Within no time your face will be leaking all sorts of gross fluids and you will feel 10x better. Blow your nose, both sides at a time. Repeat as necessary. I just did this the a week or two ago and haven’t been congested since.