Colonie Center Shooting (accidental)

ive worked in retail, ive seen my far share of storys also :lol.

people are whiney bitchs always crying and complaining about something. and its never their own fault, its always yours, the next guys, or the police.

I could never work retail.

I’m all for the gun rights but the above is why i’ll probably never own a gun. that and the fact that the odds of me intentionally blowing my brains out would be astronomically greater then me ever needing it to defend myself.

I can accept it when an NFL star is dumb enough to shoot himself in the leg, but you would have thought a retired cop would know better.

It just boils down to the fact that There are some stupid people that inhabit all shapes, sizes, races, occupations, etc…

It was a .22 I doubt that he would have saved someone from getting shot and killed with a .22 and this guy should have gotten nailed with discharging a gun in public! But since he was a trooper it’s ok humility is enough punishment… Yea fucking right if your gonna make laws do t bend them for certain people this guy should be sitting in court facing charges just like everyone else

I agree with the second half of your statement. The first part not so much. The it was only a .22 thought is ignorant. Caliber doesn’t matter. It may not do a lot of damage or kill the person, but I can tell you some one mugging an old lady at the mall will stop if shot with a .22. If you disagree im willing to do testing…lol.

^^ i’d add to that a flashing a gun would be one hell of a deterent even if you never shot it.

Its crazy that Plexico basically automatically got a year in jail and this guy probably gets off with nothing, but i think the laws are actually more strict in NYC then the rest of the state.

If you have any cop friends, ask them how many times they pulled over their fellow officers for a DWI and then noticed it was another cop and said Ohh sorry have a good night.

Makes it seem like they are there to serve you and protect themselves.

fuck that, ask them how many times they seized cocaine or weed and just took it home with them lol

Yep very true such as the scum bag Albany Sargent that got a dwi and he was just “forced” to retire I don’t see him loosing money for lawyers and paying 150$ to have his breathalyzer to be recaibrated every time itmfucks up or any of the other things involved with a dwi this is why if I went though with the sheriffs I would pull over cops and hand out tickets