No offense but that is the dumbest thing I’ve heard today.
Many states don’t require front plates (link). Many states also allow between 25-35% tint, unlike NY’s stupid law of 70% (link)
Take Florida for example. Do you think a cop in NY is in more danger than a cop in FL due to dark windows? Please.
Laws like tint laws are ALL about money. It has NOTHING to do with the safety of a police officer. States aren’t stupid. They’ll play it off as a safety concern but that’s just a smoke screen for their real intent. Same goes for front plate. If you fly by a cop, he’ll get behind you. If you don’t have a front plate, you’ll still probably have your rear plate. What difference does it make to the cop if you don’t have a front plate? It’s not like he’s going to use it to run your plates. The ONLY benefit of a front plate is if your car is wanted for some reason and he can identify you by the front plate. That’s the ONLY benefit I see.
Don’t even get me started on texting/cell phone laws. Yes, some drivers truly are bad drivers when doing either one, but it is no where near the majority. There has been studies stating that having the music on in your car, or talking to a passenger, is just as dangerous. Those are allowed, yet texting or talking on the phone isn’t? That’s retarded.
If FL didn’t have the threat of hurricanes/tropical storms, I’d be living there right now. It’s much nicer, cleaner, and warmer. Not to mention the roads are much better.