Colonie is Steppin it up

Ive had tint tickets before, I just pay it. I’m not taking it off. It’s there for a reason, why would I take it off, so I can pay to put it on again? F that.

The cops/court system can probably convinct you of being Bin Laden if they wanted to so I can’t be sure of anything. However, I had the same ticket with Schenectady and walked out after asking the officer for evidence that proves the car had illegal tint. I believe there is some BS law that allows these officers to judge speed but if the cop had that sort of genius ability, he wouldn’t be a Colonie Cop. :slight_smile:

What a fucking joke. They are also oblivious as to why they are hated. Tell them to man up and go down to Wall Street and fuck up those pricks.

Technicaly you are correct, if the cop did not test the tint it can be thrown out…

BUT! If the tint is really dark like mcbitchins… 20%? I think… the cop can give out the ticket at his discretion because in a case like that… you can tell that the tint is well darker than the legal limit. Chances are unless you take the tint off before court… your going to get the ticket

It’s a weird situation. Any lawyer should be able to beat this because there is no definate proof. However, in a system where the judge is told by a cop what the penalty is, who knows what they can and cannot do.

No offense but that is the dumbest thing I’ve heard today.

Many states don’t require front plates (link). Many states also allow between 25-35% tint, unlike NY’s stupid law of 70% (link)

Take Florida for example. Do you think a cop in NY is in more danger than a cop in FL due to dark windows? Please.

Laws like tint laws are ALL about money. It has NOTHING to do with the safety of a police officer. States aren’t stupid. They’ll play it off as a safety concern but that’s just a smoke screen for their real intent. Same goes for front plate. If you fly by a cop, he’ll get behind you. If you don’t have a front plate, you’ll still probably have your rear plate. What difference does it make to the cop if you don’t have a front plate? It’s not like he’s going to use it to run your plates. The ONLY benefit of a front plate is if your car is wanted for some reason and he can identify you by the front plate. That’s the ONLY benefit I see.

Don’t even get me started on texting/cell phone laws. Yes, some drivers truly are bad drivers when doing either one, but it is no where near the majority. There has been studies stating that having the music on in your car, or talking to a passenger, is just as dangerous. Those are allowed, yet texting or talking on the phone isn’t? That’s retarded.

If FL didn’t have the threat of hurricanes/tropical storms, I’d be living there right now. It’s much nicer, cleaner, and warmer. Not to mention the roads are much better.



No… I do belive the tint law is their for a safety reason…

But it is used more so to generate money…

On a dark rainy night… even with my tint on the front which i think is 30%? Not sure due to my father having it done 10 years ago…

its kinda a pain in the dick to see if anything comming at you… not just a car but a person on a bike etc…

Or in your rear windows mine are like 15-20%… you cant see shit backing up all the time

quite possible, tho the albany pd chargers are HELLA dark tinted. i see them here downtown all the time

Cops are always the exception to the rule…

Cops don’t have to wear seatbelts, most of them don’t

Cop cars dont have legit license plates

nor do some of them even have the non legit front plate

They can talk on their cell phones

Whatever else they pretty much want… trying to compare a cop car/ and what the cop can or cannot do is stupid

If it’s there for a safety reason, why doesn’t the law force ALL windows!?

qft. i just hate how they preach these laws to us and completely disregard them. and here i go following the book thinking the laws are the same for everyone. i must have misread it or missed the fine print somewhere.

I have 30% on every window but my front windshield. I don’t have issues with visibility, etc.

Tint is absolutely an officer safety concern.


Your an officer, you give a car party lights for driving all over the place at 1am. You approach the vehicle and cant see inside very well. Driver rolls his window down about 8 inches, proceeds to shoot you in the face/chest whatever. If the windows weren’t tinted he would have seen you shuffling around in the car for a weapon.

It’s up to the state about tint laws, I’m surprised they aren’t banned everywhere yet.

Because its more for the safety of the officer…

If you have 20% or darker say…

Its hard for the cop to see what your doing… many cops have gotten shot/stabbed from not being able to see what drivers are doing when comming up to the windows…

There’s states that allow tint and no front plates. Example: Florida. They also dont do the dumb ass stickers on the windshields. theirs are right on the plates. I hate how inconsistent this kind of shit is throughout the states. If you travel a lot youre basically screwed on the little rules because its basically impossible to know and remember every little law and rule of every town of every state.

I’m not defending all police, but you guys really need to realize these are normal people too. Yea, you get some bad apples, but not all of them are out to screw you over. These guys are doing their jobs.

Bakarian I know all this… my father was a cop for 22 years :tongue

I was just saying they are an exception to the rule… I dident say there was no reason behind it

people get sore at cops for doing their jobs… its whatever… I respect every officer out there… even when they are complete dickheads… because honestly theres generaly a reason for it

yea and no. if you know what i mean. they are doing their job, but theyre still supposed to obey the same rules just like us. theyre set for everyone. lead by example, ya know? i see cops on cellphones while driving ALL the time. blue tooth headsets are NOT expensive anymore. I bought two for 20 dollars. I am sure they can afford to spend 10 dollars and get one.

Re-read what I said. The law isn’t for ALL windows, which if it was, would be promoting safety. It’s about money. It always is. They aren’t cracking down now to enforce safety. They are broke and need money.