***Come play GTR2 ***

First of all, [Last night’s replays (11/09/06)are up](http://www.comtrix.net/~rick/NYSPEED GTR2/110906 replays). :smiley:

Second of all, the server is up and will remain up for the entire weekend. :headbang: I turned off logging, so no replays are currently being saved. I’ll probably turn on logging for the Saturday Night Races (~10:00pm - whenever).

If you have the game and you want to play on the server you need to PM me for the password.

Now for the important part: :fyi: SET YOUR REALISM TO SEMI-PRO. You will not see the server on the list if your realism doesn’t match what the server is configured for. Any questions, post here or PM me.

See you on the track this weekend :tspry: