***Come play GTR2 ***

Ian, now that I have the G25 wheel setup, I’m not using my controller anymore. You can borrow it if you’d like. Or just pick up a cheap Logitech analog controller for $20 from EBGames or something.

The server is up 24/7 now, so just logon, people are usually racing towards 10-11pm till whenever they get tired. Weekends will be the big nights. Saturday ~9-10pm start.

You like that pass under braking in that chicane didn’t you :wink:

Yeah, I was checking my mirrors making sure I put some distance between us. You were fast on the middle section, I think I was faster on the last section.

One thing I’ve noticed now that I have the wheel, I have to concentrate a lot harder. I was actually tired after the race. Full force feedback when you hit the rumble strips is something else. I turned off all the aids execpt TCS and ABS, and the car is a handful. I’m working the clutch on my own too, heel-toeing when downshifting in some of the turns so that the car doesn’t spin out. I really need to spend some time playing with track setups.

Right now it’s the Gruppe M Porsche, mainly because 88 is my number in Auto-x. I like having a rear view mirror. The braking on the Porsches suits my driving style a bit better.

I’ve driven the Ferraris, and they are twitchy. Once you set them up, you can run REALLY fast times, but they aren’t forgiving (imo) if you fuck up. Garick and KrazyKarl seem to be fast with them, so they may know something I don’t.

TVR is torquey, I can’t drive it properly. Never really put too much time into it KrazyKarl and Fuzzyfish swear by it though, and they are fast. The lap times will prove it.

Nissan 350Z, nice car, well balanced from what I can tell. Haven’t spent much time with it either.

All this changes when you start playing with the setup (as I’ve learned with the Ferrari). This game will force you to start setting up the car to your driving style. It will be very difficult to just take a car’s default settings and consistenly be faster than someone who has dialed in a particular car. Just look at last night, the 3 fast guys (non NYSpeed gang), they have track specific setups. We have some catching up to do :smiley:

Just experiment with the cars, find one that you like, and use it. That’s what I’m doing. :headbang: