***Come play GTR2 ***

Please do not use the new cars until next week. Give everybody a chance to get them first because otherwise people will not be able to join the game.

Downloading the updates, I’ll try again some other time.

  • Jake

hellow, newbie here, how do I get the password for nyspeed gtr2 server? Thanks.

I downloaded and dropped the files into the appropriate folders. I’ll give it a shot tonight to make sure everything works :tup:

So I am having wheel troubles now. It just seems that the car is overly twitchy in response to turning and I end up “tank slapping” it down straights which is rather annoying. What are you guys running your steering/speed steering sensitivity at?

first of all, what kind of wheel do you have?

I know a lot of people are using wheels, which helps in this game a LOT. I think im going to buy a wheel…

First off, try using “reverse effects” on the force feedback page.

Next, go into the Logitech settings in your control panel and try the following settings:

Degrees of rotation: 540
Overall: 100%
Spring Effect: 50%
Damper: 100%

Centering Spring: Enabled, and 50%

Then, in the game, set your FFB effects to “full”, and adjust the overall slider to taste. I’m running at 39% and it feels pretty good.

This all for a Logitech G25, BTW. If you are using something different, then this all may be no good for you…

:smash2: I knew I forgot something. It’s a logitech wingman formula force gp. It’s old and a little beat up but it’s all I have for ther time being. I think my biggest complaint about it is the steering wheel is like a 7 inch diameter and is kind of uncomphy.Anyone know off hand about the size the logitech dfpro/g25 wheel sizes are?

If you haven’t I would upgrade to Logitech’s latest interface software. Then if your wheel has the capability, you can try some of the settings neurokinetik mentioned.

Reverse feedback and centering are probably your main issues.

I have everything turned up full, with a 2% deadzone. Some people like things softer, so you will need to play with different settings to see what you like.

As for the wheel diameter of the G25, not sure of the exact spec, all I know is that it’s larger than the Driving Force Pro.

11" for the G25 vs. 10" for the DFP and most other wheels

Uhhh, why the fuck is all traction control and abs turned off on the server? Found that out the hard way. Please revert back to the semi pro settings we have been playing with.

What do you mean? It’s been Simulation since I started playing on it about a week ago.

Ok folks, we are now rolling into the final stages before we start the NYSPEED GTR2 Winter Racing Championship! :headbang:

If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to download the latest cars and tracks from the FTP site (see previous posts)!

The last bit of testing/acclimation will happen over the next 2-3 weeks.

First things first: :present:

We have changed the car lineup, so what you see on the server starting tomorrow night will possibly be the final lineup that we use for the racing league. We need to test these cars to make sure that there are no ringers in the group (there may be a possible 1 or 2 ). The next two weeks will determine the final car lineup for the league. We need to mix things up, so don’t just start using the new cars only. Mix up your selection between races for the upcoming nights, and let’s see some variety in the fields so we can get a good feel for how the cars now will stack up against each other.

Secondly, starting this weekend we will start testing the North American (and other) add-on tracks. The initial testing was just to ensure that the server wouldn’t crash when these tracks were used. Some tracks may have some minor issues, and we will use these coming weeks to further determine which of these tracks we can use for competition comfortably.

Finally, here is a summary of how the racing league will run:


  • Loosely based on Speed World Challenge (GT Series, ~400-550 HP) rules.
  • Racing schedule will include most of the North American tracks, and a “World Tour” of select European tracks (number and tracks TBD by participant vote and # of NA tracks suitable for use). 8-10 total races approx.
  • Racing (points count towards championship) will occur once per week during the weekend (probably Saturday night, one race).
  • Practice period, Qualifying, and Race Length TBD; but at the very least expect practice to be cut in half, qualifying to remain relatively the same, and race distance to increase by 10-15 minutes
  • Participants will choose one unique car at the beginning of the season, and use that car for the duration of the racing championship.
  • Target start date: first weekend in Jan 2007, which should put the finale somewhere in late Feb/Early March 2007. Car selection by participants will open 1-2 weeks prior.

More information (rules, etc) to follow in the upcoming weeks. Get your game face ready :smiley:

Oooh yeah! Bring it on :smiley:

Yes the only reason it’s on Semi pro is to accomodate the people that don’t have clutch pedals by maintaining “automatic clutch” and “automatic gears”. We’ve been racing without any other aids (traction control, ABS, Steering assist, etc) for over 2 weeks now which is very close to Full Simulation. Anytime you log onto the server, it changes your settings to match what is allowed. So traction control was always turned off, even if you had it set on prior to you logging on.

You’ve been driving without it for quite some time Mike :stuck_out_tongue:

^ Classic placebo. My psych major friends would have loved to turn this into an experiment :lol:


Odd… I couldnt get a clean lap in last night…

I knew we were racing on semi-pro
Guess it was my driving :hang:

Oh yeah, and I like the championship rules so far :tup:

But we NEED a better version of Watkins Glen (complete with full course) and a not so screwed up T1 -> Esses Section.

well why don’t you go out and buy 3D Studio Max ($800??) and whip us up something pimp :stuck_out_tongue: