***Come play GTR2 ***

Bah, couldn’t have done it before midnight could ya. :stuck_out_tongue:

And you never called me!!! :mad:

in, going to BB today

Man I wish I had time for video games…

I’ll pick up a copy as soon as I get my new little piece of plastic, old credit card had to get cut up :frowning:

Yes, I could just go to the bank, but I like building up flyer miles

Rick said he left you a message, and that was at about 10pm… :gotme:

Never got it :gotme: I talked with him a little before 9 and that was the last I heard from him.

Any body playing tonight?


What?! I called you, you said you had shit to do with Lexus Rimz Boy and you would be over in an hour :confused:

I told you to call me when you were heading over to Brett’s.

I said I was heading over there as soon as I got off the phone :smash2:

Bah…breakdown of communication :bloated: I though you said you were heading over an hour or so after. Ah well… next weekend.

Good news people! I figured out the FTP stuff. We should have live reports, live race updates, and replays of any races we run available via FTP the next time we play. :tspry: If someone is still up, and wants to help me test it, PM me.

Let’s try it tonight if nobody did last night. I also downloaded some new car liveries that I’d like to see how to implement. I’ve got them working on my machine, but it would be nice to have them available on the server. They seem to be using the same car specs as the existing cars (I checked the specs screen on every one that I tryed) so it should be an appearance-only change. It’s especially nice for some of the cars that have only one or two liveries (such as the BMW M3 GTR, the C5R and the TVR). Ideally, It’d be nice if no two people have the exact same car on the track.

There are a bunch of well-done fictional liveries as well as some from different race series such as Speed World GT and ALMS. (I particularly like the Woodhouse Viper and both the Speed GT Corvettes).

I’ve got an idea for doing a special livery of my own now, too.

Soon as I have a cd-key I will be down for playing (which means i have to go buy the game first)

I’ll be helping Blackula setup his PC tonight for GTR2, so I’ll throw the server online before I leave work. Conekiller in California checked in, he said he might make it too.

What time? Call will play!!! Iam playing it every day since it ws purchased


The spec screen is not how I would check. You need to check the actual vehicle data file and compare the values in there to be sure they are identical to stock. As for implementation, I’m not sure that the server will broker files if one or some other is missing them. We’ll have to try it at some point to see, but right now lets get the reports and replays working so we can get the league started soon. There are enough cars now that no one should have to use identical cars at any rate.

Let’s shoot for an 11:00pm start. The server will be up an hour or two before, and I’ll extend the practice session time so people can still drive around, setup cars, chat, etc. while they wait if they want to log on early.

Will be on…a soon as it is up. Got circles on lock today…am pumped up!


True, but many of them look so much alike that it is hard to tell them apart, especially the Ferraris.

There is an option though that allows you to get a little arrow above each car with the player name. I don’t remember which screen it is on, but it is nice to know who’s who when we are racing.

Anyway, dibs on the #64 Ferrari…