Coming Apocalypse Thread

If you want a good laugh, while being mildy concerned about the future, watch AmeriGeddon on Prime. It’s a film featuring Alex Jones about an EMP that shuts down the grid before the US Army teams up with the UN to instill Marshall Law.

It’s a low budget film from 2016, filled with poor acting, cheap scenes and some awful jokes, but mildly entertainingly.

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i’m waiting for the real thing.

I hate to break this to you… but you’re Canadian. When the real apocalypse hits your entire unarmed country basically becomes my inventory stockpile. :slight_smile:


so much maple syrup and bacon


nah some of us are properly stocked up and with no competition.

you all will have to contend with basically every home having it’s own artillery. up here my crew and I are in the top fraction of a percentage point of those somewhat prepped.

we’ve all gone down the rabbit hole on this.


I’ll just look for the houses with Trudeau bumper stickers and I’ll be fine. :wink:

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we will make strong cross-border alliances through nyspeed :slight_smile:

i will secure your maple syrup supply.

one of my partners actually makes it…lol

he was sending me pics mid-process the other day but i was like… naaaaah im good.


On this note my plan is to get as far north as possible. While the weather sucks thats easier to deal with than excess people, snakes, heat, etc.

Pretty cool. Just need a fake lease and you can live wherever.

Never call the cops. Friends with bats

This bridge collapse im Baltimore is crazy and probably deserves its own thread. I can’t help but think of the ship scene in leave the world behind where the boat crashes into the beach.

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No way that port remains unusable for months. The bridge sure, but I bet they’ll have the debris cleared from the channel in a week or less.


Unless it was intentional…

At least Biden has been over that bridge many many times by train and by car commuting.

That bridge that has no rail lines…

has no rail lines…

no rail lines^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1772672098189656070|twgr^371b2970a0cfa631405ec0db8d118f20cf430b40|twcon^s1_&

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These might be too soon but I don’t care

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In the video, that boat takes a very deliberate right turn towards one of the main supports. The video immediately leads me to say I don’t think this was accidental.

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I see your boat scene and raise you Speed 2:

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I think he must have been confused with that one time that Hunter was railing lines across that bridge or something like that, you know, the thing…


yup, the competency crisis. great phrase.

Honestly a giant swing hanging from the wreckage would be a ton of fun