Completely lost...

i just had the worst night of my fucking life so im gonna wait until tommorow to post as well…hope I die.

need a tissue ??? ya knocked up that psycho slampig didnt u

I hope it’s because you are talking smack about a car you have never even seen or driven yet! Let me know when you get that thing and I will meet you at Alex’s shop.

worse… I REALLY dont want to go into details right now but my next door neighbor who is a solid 9 out of 10 invites me over for dinner… 5 minutes afterwards tells me she wants to go to my house and fuck, swear on my LIFE!.. Long story short and what the FUUCCCCKKK are the motherfucking god damn odds my ex AANNDDDD psyco bitch BOTHHHH show up at the same motherfucking time!!! Neighbor probaby hates me, ex who I really care about hates me and psyco bitch well… idk y but I feel bad about even that!

…to make shit worse, ex showed and saw the two girls with MY xmas gifts in her hand, she was just dropping off presents.

ouchhhhh, like the old sayin goes . a stiff dick has no conscience

LOL. Now you know how I feel!

no offense, but this was coming to you.

First off…if that is the worst thing that has ever happened to you…you live a charmed life! Next…what color is your never before seen in person S2k under that vinyl wrap?

This is what happens when " youre the man".

Or an idiot who doesn’t know how to juggle…if that was a possibility, why go back to your house if you are already at the neighbors house? Just asking to get caught.

spoken like a true pimp lolol :thumbup :rofl… on a side note did ya get my message ? we have a great fluid for that t/case for the beast

And you think 0-60 is? 0-60 doesn’t even help sell cars anymore. 60-130 has been the basis in te automotive works for years now. It’s a great measure of a cars power instead of the driver.

I simply said that I would hang with him going 0-60…again, you come into a conversation that has nothing to do with you and want to throw in your 2 cents. I never said anything about which car was “faster” or anything other than that I would hang with him to 60. Go find some other conversation to throw your “faster” car opinion at.

Yeah…it’s in the garage now and with the roads full of salt, it’s probably not coming out for a while. I’ll hit you up closer to spring about changing all the fluids.

It WASNT a possibility thats the thing… one was sleeping as she had work later that night, the other was moving shit into a new apartment… And I went back to my house becuase shes only 23 and still lives with her parents, and her moms room is right next to hers… BTW, i’ve been “juggling” for 2 straight yrs now, I guess being dishonest will just always catch up to you.

Karma will always catch up to you!

check out this thread, and post # 40

"really? how long are we going to pick on a mentally challenged kid? if it makes you feel better to do so, Karma is a bitch.

obviously the kid has a problem. Let him be. "

told ya, Karma is a bitch.

Who the fuck races to 60mph? Maybe a Ford Focus at a stop light?
You can hang with him until 60? OMG that’s so crazy dude! You only have a ton more torque and AWD! What are you gonna say next? The sky is blue?

No its purple stupit

The guy garages his 190mph trapping trail-rated JEEP for the winter. His credibility is about as good as STi Travis’ credit report over the last 10 years.