so i was driving down I-95 S today (outside DC). a beater car in front of me ran over a truck tire, without braking or swerving. The tire then went flying up into the air and came crashing down on my car. Took out the turn signal, messed up the foglight. Scratched the fender and bumper and pushed the bumper in off of its alignment. I’m getting an estimate friday at the bmw dealership down here. I know some people have a lot of experience with insurance companies so i was trying to find out before i claim it.
should be comprehensive (act of god)
truth. I had a truck kick up what appeared to be a sign of some sort on the parkway. I couldn’t get out of the way and it flew into the left part of the hood /fender/door and messed up the mirror. It was a comp claim.
That can go both ways depending on your company. Call it in, tell them the situation, if they say its collision, tell them do not start you a claim, if its comp, tell them to open the claim.
i called the guy, he said the adjustor would make the call, and i have to start a claim to talk to the adjustor and he doesnt know if i can withdrawal it, pretty shitty insurance guy, i know, i just moved to virginia and got him. Stayed with Erie insurance though, so i called my old agent from pittsburgh and asked her and she said it should be comp.
If it was in the air and it hit you - COMPREHENSIVE
If it is lying in the road and you hit it - COLLISION
Just went through this shit last year when some dickhead hit a truck tire carcass on 79 and caused it to fly up into the air and right smack into my S-10.
Yeah like I said, it all depends on the company. Do NOT let them tell you that you need to start a claim to determine that, call Erie direct and explain the situation, if they cannot give u a answer on the phone, tell them you want an adjustor to come out to your house or you want to go to a drive in claims service for them to look at it. They DO NOT have to start a claim to determine that.
Your “ins guy” does not know shit, he only knows how to sell insurance. I love how when people dont like the companys decision they say, we’ll im going to call my agent… im thinking ok buddy, you do that all day long, he has no power at all over the adjustors. Its pretty funny actually. Agents are idiots.
yeah, i picked up on him being and idiot pretty quickly. But I needed virginia insurance so i could register the car down hre and get it inspected, which is getting done as we speak, and the turn signal will make it fail. But as soon as he gets in the office im calling him up and telling him to send an adjustor out to see it without starting the claim. this whole situation is a pain in the ass. Now i have to find a shop down here to fix it, will probably just go to BMW.
Dont call him, call the 800 number on your card, call the company direct, fuck the agent
so new, i dont even have the insurance card yet, haha talk about getting insured just in time down here
If its Erie look the 800 number up online, if u cant find it, pm me and ill give u our special 800 number, im sure u can call that.
thanks for the offer, i turned it in and it was ruled comprehensive…now i just need to find a decent place near DC to fix it
Good job… im glad they ruled it comp… sometimes they are really shitty about that stuff and want that high deductible out of you.