Computer/Stereo Speaker guys...PLEASE HELP!

ive got a pair of boston acoustic bookshelf speakers that i want to hook up to my computer. is there any way to do this easily? thanks in advance!! :slight_smile:

Just jack out of the sound card into an amp or reciever. Then use your speakers to your hearts content. I have my computer setup that way. Right into a Sony preamp and amp. Pounds for days. If you leave the volume up and Windows fires up…hang on.

excellent! thanks a lot!

No offence but what does this have to do with Mobile electronics. This should have been in off topic :slight_smile:

I cant move it :kekegay: i dont have the priviledges :rofl:
Fshowcars !!!

those speakers can be moved correct?


he is talking about book sefl speakers and a computer.

If you want to get technical by your deffinition (or smart ass reply) I can hook a car battery up to your nuts and throw you and a dicussion about it will fit into this category. :spank:

please do? :smiley:


Are you pent up sexually? or are you just into that freaky shit

freaky shit :bigthumb:

i started this in the on-topic forum becuase i didnt want my thread ending up like this…

i got the answer though, and the speakers work great

Well who moved it to the mobile testicular electircal charging forum…

^ ass, who suggested it

I never said to move this thread to the mobile electroinics forum…

He said he started it in on topic and I asked who moved it form there.



sns is just :crying: again cause i moved this thread TO HIS Mobile Electronics FORUM!! :wink: :stick: