Contruction > me

Uh, there’s this manhole cover that is like sticking up a good 3" out of the rough uneven pavement.

Next to it, there is another manhole cover sticking about 2" out.

this is on a tight 2 lane road

well, I had to drive over it, went over it at like 10MPH


It sounded like my exhaust got caught on a manhole cover

now my exhaust sounds like it has a hole in it. can’t see shit tonight, will check this weekend

fucking car

I’m just gonna buy a fucking fun DD and that’s it.

Do you want me to take pics of my exhaust to help you feel better?

im curious

:tdown: not cool



thats suks. hopefully its nothing to big.

damn that freakin blows :tdown:, hope its not to bad

ill let buy drive my ka for 10 grand son

yea dude, delware rd. is like that too… all sewer covers, pipe covers are sticking up stuuupid high

The roads seem to get worse every year.
It’s like they want everyone to drive SUVs.
We only pay the highest taxes in the country why would we expect good roads?:bloated:

hey its better than PA, their roads just never finish construction :stuck_out_tongue:

When i was in flordia (orlando area) the streets weree so nice kids had cars the were less then an inch off the ground perminantly dropped with out a chip on the lower bumper.

Our streets suck:rolljerk:

time for howie to buy the srt8 jeep

BTW, I’m in Yonkers. lol

yeah figured he was down by the city. Florida doesnt have snow, or anything else to crack up the streets. stupid northeast

is the oil pan ok?

Has anybody seen the construction on Sheridan by Ted’s/Anderson’s??? It’s bad news for the drunk driver because it’s hard to drive through it sober. It is a literal obstacle course with a miriad of cones - like 4-500 cones.

So I think oil is leaking/coming from the centersection of my turbo


i’m buying an S2000

one of the best decisions ever made by anyone on this forum

Thats why you need to get a Hummer.