Cool snow machine from 1922

Check out the vid in the link. Pretty cool engineering going on here! Basically they’ve mounted these two drums to the tractor and are using them to accelerate and steer. Watch the vid and you’ll see some impressive feats that it accomplishes.

That is pretty impressive. Seems to move along pretty quick given the technology of the era.

sweet! i want one now! lol

edit: would be nice for seasonal roads but really thats it.

Looks like a death machine but i want one LOL.

i love the osha approved chain guards. :wink:

That’s pretty cool. :tup:

1;22 in. WRX and EVO owners be jealous… first cyclone ever.

Relived design, as an RC

That is bad as hell! New meaning for “drive screws”.

Pretty sweet. BMW Isetta actually had a kit for the ercle(sp?) mobile that attached a similar setup to it thus making it into a snow mobile lol. Going to try and find some pics of it. It looked pretty funny, but still was a novel concept.

I would like to have one.

That thing is all sorts of awsome.

very cool…20 tons of logs, impressive

Very cool idea but where did it go wrong???

I like

me wants.

I love when companies and people actually thought of innovative solutions to problems.
