Cop Alert


Maybe register YOUR CAR in YOUR NAME? What a concept huh? And please don’t come back with, “It saves me money on insurance”. If you can’t afford insurance in your own name you shouldn’t be buying BMW’s

I mean honestly, how many people lose their license but keep a car registered in their name? If you’ve done something bad enough to lose your license your insurance is going to be really high. It seems pretty counter productive to pay to register and insure a vehicle you can’t drive.


While I agree with you on most points

  1. Young people need to what they need to do to save money so that situation is perfectly fine for dawn. (my insurance dropped form $3000 every 6 months to $900 when my parents finally let me on their policy after 3 years and im loving saving $4000 a year, dont even try to argue that.

  2. People get their licences revoked all the time and dont even know it just for things as small as not showing up for court for a stop sign ticket. They still may be irresponsible for it but things like that will not make your insurance skyrocket.