Cop Dead

Police Officer Shot After Pepper-spraying Driver

News Story

this is a interesting story…i am sure there is more to the story than the video shows.

the article states there was other altercations between the 2

well i am sure it wasn’t worth going to jail death penalty and one person dead

looks like both are dead. Liko was killed by a passerby.

cop definately did not use his head in that situation, I am sure he didn’t think the kid would pull a gun, though. Sad story.

that shows a little more of the chase

wow, thats a heck of a story.

you can tell that both the cop and the kid in the celica were on bad terms, the kid wouldnt run from the cop for one thing, and when the cop sprayed the kid, he just rolled away non-schalontly(sp?). Judgement was certainly off, the cop should have not just rolled over and sprayed the dude… in the heat of the moment, if i had a gun, i probably would have done the same thing. This is why i dont carry a gun.

I won’t turn my back on a dog, very well someone that I have pulled over (if I was a cop). I’m sorry, but he got shot because he didn’t keep his eye on the person at all times. That familiarity or contempt towards that person cost this cop his life. Sad, but it should have been avoided.

A deadly mistake unfortunately …sickening. They should rip that piece of shits throat out through his ass.

white on white crime needs to stop.


A Franconia police officer was shot and killed during a routine motor vehicle stop on Friday.

The state attorney general’s office says Cpl. Bruce McKay, 48, was shot four times and run over by the suspect’s car on Route 116 in Franconia. McKay was a 12-year veteran of the Franconia Police Department.

The state attorney general’s office says the incident began Friday night when McKay attempted to pull over Liko Kenney on Route 116. Kenney took off, leading McKay on a brief pursuit.

Investigators say when McKay stopped Kenney a second time a mile up the road, he used pepper spray to subdue him. According to police, that’s when Kenney shot the officer four times and the proceeded to run the officer over with his car.

State Attorney General Kelly Ayotte said a passer-by, Gregory Floyd, 49, witnessed the incident and rushed to the officer’s aid. Investigators say Floyd grabbed McKay’s gun and ordered Kenney to drop his weapon. According to Senior Assistant Attorney General Jeff Strelzin, Floyd fatally shot Kenney when he tried to reload his gun.

Ayotte said the state has decided Floyd’s actions were justified and he will not be facing any charges.

According to police, there was a previous incident involving McKay and Kenney. Back in 2003, Kenney was convicted of simple assault and resisting arrest for an incident involving McKay.

Family members said Kenney was ski champion Bode Miller’s cousin. Back in September 2005, McKay pulled Bode Miller over on Route 116 for going 83 mph in a 40 mph zone.

shot four times and run over by the suspect’s car,


from the sound of the article the cop was a piece of shit that totally harassed this guy, beating him once so bad that they thought he was dead, and then he woke up to hear them talking about making up a story to tell the EMT’s.

read the whole story, kinda gave me the sense that the cop had it coming to him.

This is the way I see it.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that the officer harrassed Kenney. From what I read Kenney caused trouble and more often than not this officer had to deal with him when something happened. Obviously Kenney brought attention to himself. If this officer knew that Kenney had expired tags or a suspended license he could stop him everytime he saw him driving, is that harassment on the officer’s part or a complete disregard to the law on Kenney’s part? Kenney’s not above the law, he must comply. The officer is doing a job just like everyone else.

On the day of the shooting he was stopped for an expired tag. The officer did not make the tag expire, the owner let it expire and the officer attempted to make a justified traffic stop for the tag. Kenney chose to take it to the next level and flee from the officer. He had no right to leave the traffic stop.

Given the officer’s history with Kenney I don’t know why the officer choose to handle the incident the way that he did. The officer made several mistakes, after the officer rammed Kenney’s vehicle you can see Kenney with his hands up showing that he was surrendering. The officer should have waited for backup to arrive before engaging Kenney.

It’s ashame to see two people dead for something so trivial as a bad tag. Just my .02.