Cop Question

ok… now im not sure of this but let me know, can an off duty officer pull you over and give you a ticket by mail? i think he can only give you a warning,
hell i dont even know if he was a real cop lol, he was in uniform but never showed a badge nor ID. all because i changed lanes in the tunnel because a driver in front of me was brakechecking me. but really it doesnt give him the right to change lanes also and follow me, he was 3 inches off my back bumper! i cant get ahold of my cousin which is a cop at the time so im just wondering if anyone knows anything about this, i’ll probably win if i take this to court

damn cops think their bruce willis anymore!

sounds illegal…

unfortunately where police are concerned, what they do is only as illegal as the local magistrate says it is.

I don’t think an off-duty cop can give you a ticket, and only state police officers can write tickets on major highways I thought… :dunno: You didn’t mention if he was a state cop or not.


don’t fucking change lanes in a tunnel while a cop is behind you… I do believe that an off duty cop or person can issue you a ticket. Our neighbor called the cops on the kids up the street doing like 40/50mph up our street which is a dead end… The cop came after they left and all she had to do was show up in court and testify…

yeah you are pretty dumb for changing lanes in a tunnel

i work with state cops like every week, and he wasnt one. he didnt have the uniform or the penis hat

Theres the answer to your question… just ask them at work :doh:

they can give you a ticket on or off duty

Whats your license plate Number?

If u are a cop u are a cop 24-7 so yes he can give u a ticket. Hahahahahaha good for ya u stupid fuck

thats alot of doughnut time :puke:

lol, good pic, but orangess! theres always a loophole!

i used to change lanes all the time till i realized u weren’t allowed…

i’m tired of police fucking with people for minor infractions (ie:tint) when every GOD DAMN Harley in this city is way over the decible (sp) limit. fuckin cunts. Pull over some car stealing drug dealin niggers if they are so tough. For every cool Cop there are 10 assholes that think their dicks are fuckin huge. But hey you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar, pay up!


See ya in a few days.

Well my gf’s father is a police officer, and she said hes always on duty even if say there out eating dinner or going out somewhere. So the officer probably can give you a ticket for what you did. But i would just fight the ticket. And say you did what the ticket said, but you cant afford the points on your lisence or something along those lines they might lower the fine or drop it.


Yeah, they can get you for that…

Once I got a careless driving ticket (worth 3pts) for “supposedly” making a turn on two wheels. Dude wasn`t even a cop, but a constable. It’s obviously a lie, but the judge believed the constable over me.??

i got fucked like that in the past… cop was driving by in the other lane and said i tried to pass someone in a suicide lane… meanwhile dude was trying to pass me and i didn’t let it happen… cop was 100% wrong, but the judge believed him and i was ticketed the full amount…