cop radars

On the flipside, Steve Klopman’s passport has picked up radar WELL before my V1.8 (most recent version as well btw) in ‘A’ (“All” mode, aka no filter, with x-band turned off) mode got a hit.

Also, I seem to encounter an issue when multiple detectors are around where the V1 will give a significantly reduced signal strength, or not giving a hit at all. Weird.

Run an 8500 X50 here. Very happy with it. Can’t go wrong with the V1, but it looks like something made in the 1970s. Ugly ass thing to have in your car.

8500 on a budget, v1 if you’re ballin. anything else is useless.

I have the Passport x50 and the v1. both are great. I would pick the v1 over the the passport though.

thanks a lot guys, a big help!

false :lol

valentine one or escort passport 8500 x50 (has better range than the valentine, its been documented)

i actually pull over down the street and laser the cop right back…first one to stop doing a burnout is declared the loser

Far as I know it’s not illegal to jam laser

I have a V1. It’s served me well. Couple of saves. I don’t drive like a maniac all the time though.

The key to ANY radar detection regardless of brand/technology; is to understand what ways the police use different speed detection equipment, and the manner in which they operate.

Agree 100%. You have to understand how the radar works, and the fact it can reflect off of other objects and that the cops can adjust the power output of their radar guns.

what do you mean by jamming a laser? like making it radar too? or…?

V1>, and its legal to jam laser, not radar.

Passive radar jamming is legal but useless.

Active jamming works but is illegal.

Laser jamming ftw.

passive jamming? any decent power transmission of a signal at the frequencies used by the police radar bands (K, Ka) is illegal per FCC

well the FCC wont let me be or let me be me so let me see

v1 or an escort passport. if your not spending 300 bucks on a radar detector you might as well light your money on fire because your wasting it.

I have a whistler pro 78se best bang for the buck has auto silence mode and led mode. Has saved me alot of hassles.

all the time, just happened monday on the thruway, was doing 72-74 cruising. silver 996 went buzzing by probably 85-90. 10 minutes later i went right by him with the yellow and blue behind him :lol

9500xi ftw