cop radars

What is led mode?

I’ve had a v1 for the past 4 years and had zero tickets. Next move is to get a laser interceptor

has to led’s that blink with or with out noise also can make it beep 3 times and then auto silence

Oh :lol

I think the v1 and the 8500 x50 have the same features. I know the 8500 x50 has a fully programmable display and sounds



arrows are useless



i have a v1 too,its annoying as fuck. I need learn how to use it i guess

Turn off x-band, it’s useless for everything but knowing how close to Wal-Mart’s doors you are.

Literally zero annoyance after that.

oh I forgot to mention, it require a complicated series of pushing buttons, I’ll do it for you for like $40.

you think arrows are useless till u own a v1. within two days i was sold and would never go back.

All it tells you is front, back or side. Not even which side.

Right, which is all it needs to tell you. As far as I’m concerned they could do without the ‘side’ arrows.

Whatever, I’ll be slowing down before your detector goes off then you will be looking at the arrows and fly off the road.

As a matter of fact I have a good V1 story from today that a detector without arrows might have fucked you. Went and got lunch, down Erie to Wendy’s, turned left out of Wendy’s and picked up Ka, pretty strong, straight ahead as I’m heading into the merge onto the 890 loops there. Got past the first loop, the signal showed off to the side, then behind. As I continue around the second loop I get a second signal on the bogey count that flashes the side arrows, while the original signal was coming back around forward. There were two stateys with some broken down Jimmy at the top of the 890 ramp straight ahead, the original signal I picked up. Remember that second signal? Now the rear arrow is showing it’s behind as I see another statey behind me as I’m taking a left towards GE, he’s coming down the merge near the second loop that I just went around.

Arrows help, bros.

Arrows or not, you probably would of obeyed traffic laws while your detector was going off. And while I wouldnt of had arrows, I can also pick up multiple cops

Arrows/bogey count is awesome.

And lets say you’ve got two ‘bogeys’ :

  • Ka-band from the front (the arrow lights will flash FRONT, in unison with the Ka light)
  • K-band from the rear (the arrow lights will flash REAR, in unison with the K light)

What this means is, if you pickup a dumb highway ‘radar’ sign in front of you-
you won’t be feeling ‘false-security’ thinking its the only threat, and ignore it.

V1 will also be like , “Yo, theres a ****** behind you also”

What mode do you v1-fags use? I usually use the logic mode with the small “L”

I’ll put it this way, when we were zipping along on the One Lap doing WELL above the posted speeds for hours on end the little arrows on a V1 came in real handy. Most of the states along the designated ~4500 mile trip were well aware of us coming along and what we may be doing, and most we nice enough to glance the other way at anything less than 25 over. Some were not though, and played the cat and mouse game with a few of the cars including out train of HHR’s last year. V1 would pick them up ahead using KA, we’d pass and they’d pull out and tail us for awhile. Some shut the KA off but we could still see them in back. Then they would pass by and shoot ahead, only to have the V1 going bazerk with laser hits a few minutes later but the same officer.

Arrows pay off. gives you a rough idea where they’re hiding. I almost got nailed doing ~115 in alabama doing the night shift this past year. V1 save my ass big time as I was the lead car that night.

States NOT to screw around in regardless of a detector…The carolinas, Virginia, and Ohio. Ohio actually has transmitters along their highways that constantly send out blips of false K/Ka signals to make detectors go nuts and almost force people to shut them off anyway. Virgina bans detectors IIRC and will take them if you’re caught with one in the car.

Yeah I just experienced the Ohio bullshit, those bastards are annoying. VA will not take your detector, $100 fine no points. Canada they will take it.

Loved my 9500ix when I still had it…plus it locks out false alerts (grocery store doors) when you have gps mode on and you pass the same signal 3 times in the exact same location. Loved that feature.