Cops Vs. World

GranmassaX likes to push peoples buttons??? No way :ponder

sending me the log for the past 3 days isn’t going to tell me anything.

mods HAVE deleted stuff:


pretty sure it got moved, that’s why he sent you the log, nothing got deleted, those posts got SPLIT. Not deleted.

Now go find them, I don’t have the energy to.

umm… just read…Code blue deleted some posts… :nod.

it was only 2 months ago, how do you all not remember this? wow

as long as your trun wasnt searched it was perfectly legal… anything in plain sight can be searched without a warrant. a trunk… as long as its not a hatch is not plain sight

My GF agreed with you.


also, they cant open glove boxes and dashes correct?

An officer can technically get away with anything they want to b/c they are the law(to an extent). Its VERY hard to prove that the officer did/did not have probable cause, or proof beyond a resonable doubt to search a car. Im a criminal justice major, and this is one of the things that we have learned. Pretty common sense though…

Blows my mind that people blame police for their mistakes. Men and women out there risking it everyday. Veterans of war, current soldiers get respect for defending their country… I dont know why Police aren’t on the same scale.

anyone else find it hilarious that Travis was tossing around phrases like “man up” and “grow up”?

Yes but I dident want to say anything :umm



acording to law a conviction of driving while on a suspended license or agrivated unlicensed operation in the second degree is a mandatory 10 days in jail…i know cuse i got my ass in the same fucking situation… got me on a license plate bulb malfunction in bethelem of all fucking places…but i also got 9 scoff laws to fix before the 12th of january… or i have to try for another ajournment. i cant go to jail or ill loose my job so hopefully my lawyer can fix it… but they did the same to me… cuffed me no reading of my rights and no warrent… they just searched my car etc etc… but acording to law because it says your suspended so they can cuff you and not read you your rights or ask persmission to search, if they had to detain you to question you about somthing then they have to read you your rights and they need a warrent to search your car… but pretty much they run yer license its suspended your fucked… hope you got a good lawyer for this civil suite… be hard pressed to get anywhere to be honest with the country heading tward a police state anyway you may fair better just skiping town… lol

because they enforce some of the most retarded laws. would be my guess

they don’t need to read you the miranda unless you have an interogation and custody, they can put you in custody all they want and not read you your rights. Im sure they did at some point anyways, and you probably gave them consent without even knowing, they are tricky like that.

they dont need your concent to search your car if its getting towed

Im not reading this whole thread to see if your questions been answered but… yes, anything hanging from your mirror is obstruction of the drivers view, it can get you a ticket… alottttt of cop cars have plate readers on them now days so your stupid from driving around with a suspended license. Im not sure about them searching your car, but all a police officer needs is reasonable cause, ie. If he smells pot or alcohol… that sort of thing. But im guessing that since your license was suspended that might of given him cause, either way, from the situations you have outlined… you have no case whatsoever but if you feel like spending money on a lawyer, be my guest.

is there any particular reason why this 10 month old thread was bumped? any at all?

They dont have to read you your rights unless your placed under arrest… You can be cuffed and stuffed without being arrested… In that case no rights will be read untill you are told that youre under arrest