Copz SEIZED my bov ..WTF!

I think you should first go to the station and get your property back before they “forget” or “misplace” it.

i would like to hear what happens at the station… keep us updated

I am not a lawyer:

Please prefix your “legal” advise with, I am not a lawyer, etc.

R33, your doing the right thing, reasearch. The worst thing you can do is nothing. The best thing to do is to research, plan and act.

umm if i were to become a lawyer i would get a Tit load of business from Son members alone.

like others said, they have no right to search your belongings without constent from you unless they have a warrant.
i remember when i got searched the yrp made a huge mess in my car as well. while my friends car they broke the glove box n scratched the dash.

thas some serious bullshit, sue there asses if the complaint don’t work, they shouldn’t even think about doing that, let alone actually do it

Thats good R33. Do some research. I would also get a hold of the BOV they took (i’m sure you already are going to do this). If needed get advice from a lawyer once you are sure. Like some said before, they could pull some bs and claim you are the one doing donuts or what not. I would request the video. Keep us updated.

an illegal search with the confinscation of items… sound like your the one that got robbed…

if you dont have his badge number or squad car number your fucked…

if it dosent work google,
“know your rights, hells angels”

you got violated mang.

That is the gayest thing ever. This is getting ridiculous…

Update - i got to the station and asked for the sgt …

he came out and i was escorted into the building and into his office … On my way in … Guess who steps out - Yes its the same officer … He smirks at me and says " Whats up".

Things are not looking good … The sgt is taking the side of the officer … he said that i have no grounds for a complaint … the Bov was in plain view .

I find this very hard to believe, since

  1. my 240sx is a coupe … The back window and the side quarter panel windows are tinted, the bov is not visible unless u recline my front seat and look inside the car.

The sgt asked for proof that the VRS bov in question was mine … He wanted to see reciepts or documentation for it … This is hard because i bought this used a while ago overseas either from japan or uk … cant remember exactly.

He wants the official documentation that came along when the parcel was shipped … Which was like 5 -6 months ago.

IM stumped.

This is getting really ridiculous and im running out of ideas.

Take the hit and be glad they didn’t do worse…

Sad to say, but you don’t have much of an option here.

so whereis the guy who claimed to be robbed was it a bov same make model

get a lawyer, sue them, make it in the news, involve the media, kil the street racing law/assholery of cops towards car enthusiasts, make us all happy, stick it to them so they think twice before messing with us. On the way maybe sue them for emotional damages, and all that other mumbo jumbo, make money doing it. The end. Perfect opportunity to kick some ass.

as for the srgt not allowing you to file a complaint, thats bullshit, he has no say in the matter. you have had an incident in which you feel you have been voilated in some way, you have the right to file a complaint and he has to take it and notify the proper ppl in his dept. complaints are handled by an independent office within the police station. if you have a lawyer on retainer get them to draft of a letter making it clear what is happening to you and your intent if you are not re-unitied with your proprty and the officer in question is not repremanded for his actions.

as much as you need to prove you own the property, they have to prove you stole it !!. ask for the id number for the bov. everything comming into the station needs to be intered and will have a corrisponding invertory # in which you are allowed to have a copy of.


were you even charged with anything or were you told that you are part of an investigation ??

Wait, the Sgt. didn’t ALLOW you to file a complaint?!

This is stupid… If you can afford to, take this shit to court. It pisses me off when power hungry pigs pull shit like this and get away with it.

It’s easier said than done guys. As much as I agree with everyone saying take it to court, get a lawyer, etc. I don’t think R33 is made out of money and has the time and money to waste fighting with the cops over a $100 bov.

Unless R33 has a family friend who is a lawyer and can help him, I doubt he will proceed further. Try making a complain at a different station maybe? But just have the officer’s badge number.

Try to do as much as possible without getting a lawyer and spending more money and time on this. Cause time is money.

very true Fobwall. Its expensive to get a lawyer and all. But damn it…they are saying he is guilty until proven innocent. Thats truly messed. It seems like you need to ask who is claiming the BOV is stolen from them. I’m gonna my dad and a few friends. Maybe they know of a lawyer.

i was given a ticket for a traffic offence … i wasnt charged with anything. Yeah he said that my car matched the vehicle in an ongoing investigation.

the bov was like $50 … i dont really care about it … Its just the manner in which it was seized and the way the car , my bag , wallet and cell phone was searched that i feel violated.