Copz SEIZED my bov ..WTF!

atleast file the complaint, they can’t stop you from filing a complaint, its your right, and in the end that might be enough for people to ask questions about the officer and it will be on record that he has a complaint against him. File an complaint, as its free. I wouldn’t go furthur then that, cuz the bov is only 50$.

If you can afford it, I would get a lawyer to at least look into it, won’t cost AS MUCH as if you were fighting it. If he says you have a case, you can ask for compensation covering legal costs and personal stress due to having what you thought were your freedoms violated.

It’s cliche, but in something like this it would work.

I’d imagine if you searched hard and found a lawyer who has been trying to nail the police for things such as this that they would take on the case for free. There is always someone out there willing to do something for nothing in order to stick it to someone else.

you know we should have an organization to defend us car enthuasists (i mean legit ones)… meaning, if anyone gets bitten, we bite back. Simple. You hit us, we hit you. LOL, okay no that’s mafia, that’s not what we want.

If we stick together we can fight together. No matter how much power they have, it’s the people who decide and judge the system. And to make matters worse, they’re suppose to act as the protectors and servants of the people, they are anything but that.

Therefore, that means, we need an organization, more and more ppl regardless of car brands, groups, etc… that would gather up, man up, and do a thing about these things. SO IF EVER a thing like this happens, we dont need to know if R33 is rich or not, as an organization we back him up, as long as his story is legit (in other words he didnt actually steal it). Then no matter what happens, as an organization we cover our people heh… so whether they have money or not, they get covered under our organization of car enthusiasts.

Whether this be fighting the ‘street racing law’ garbage or anything related or far distant.

Yeah I’m ranting, idealist, maybe won’t happen, but at least I’m speaking my mind, that’s still legal I hope. Soon we’ll have bracelets on our foreheads reading our thoughts and deciding our decisions. Yay for totalitarianism and tyrany lol…

^^ i agree and i have been saying for years we should bring the media to our side of things and show we are not F&F!! we did to do a BIG ASS cruise to city hall like hundreds of us and show that we are not going to stand for this ‘‘car profiling’’ anymore!!

maybe you should lay off the pot dude…LOL


no one cares about you pos shitty BOV

go talk to kenny

who are you talking too??

everyone always complains and nobody wants to do anything about it
all im saying, we should all take a stand! whats so bad about that??
its like the people with the farm equipment, when they want to be treated right them drive them tractors and such up the 401 to downtown!! whats so different, why cant see do that!!

my truck got broken into and they made off with 6k in tools, my day planner, all my recepts from work my new in dash dvd player and every other piece of garbage in the truck. they litteraly took baggs and just took everything.

so i call the police, they tell me where the local pawn shops are and wish me luck.

not even asking where it happend or wanting to look at the truck, nothing.

this was at my appartment in east york. earlyer this year my truck was stolen. in bowmanville. (north of oshawa)

they towed my truck after it was found running 2 blocks from my house to the police impound and finger printed, everything good work. till they stuck me with 500 bucks in towing fees when they dident even ask if i wanted it towed they just said they had to i had no choice.

sooo my advice, take the law into your own hands and burn the cops house down.

cops are fucking pricks and thats never guna change. but good luck to those who are willing to try.

R33 I am not a lawyer…

Excercise your right and plead not quilty on the ticket -you will have a court day set -show up well dressed and groomed -represent yourself to avoid legal fees and explain to the justice of the peace (JP) what happened . I am assuming that there was no traffic violation and that you were charged for doing the “donuts” after the alledged robbery. The only way the crown can present evidence of the occurance is to have the robbery victim present -hearsay from a police officer cannot be used as evidence in a courtroom.
Prior to the court date ask for a copy of the occurance report or at least the report # for the robbery -this should establish if there was such an actual incident. This way you will at least have your say and find out if they had reasonable cause - also if there was any inappropriate action taken by the officer the crown will either withdraw the ticket or the JP will address it.
You can always file a complaint about police action and they are not the ones to decide if it is legitimate. As posted before - do your research ,obtain the officer and sgt’s badge # etc .

^ do what he said!

Fastback240, when my car got broken into and my deck got stolen… along with a few other cars, not just mine, the police were called. They said they would come but never did.

Put it this way, if helping you find your 6k in tools isn’t going to get them recognition or a raise, they don’t give a shit.

That’s why I take the law into my own hands.

Wanna hear some fucked up shit 4 months ago this guy beat the shit out of my car then came to by house and attacked me so I called the cops and they came guess who got arrested… Me now my car is not allowed in peel so I had to move to cambridge so straight up I’m down for a cruise/car meet right infront of city hall this shit has got to end sorry to hear about this shit man all the best

great story…

@ R33: So did the cops say that anyone reported a stolen item? or did your car just match a street drifter’s? Cause maybe i acccidently skipped a post but i dont see where stolen property comes in.

i believe if you said you do not consent to any searches, yet they tell you to exit the vehicle. you can turn off the car, close all the windows, and lock the car behind you. that way they are not allowed to break into your car (hence a warrent) or tell you to open it back up…if they have a problem with that…like the other guys said, get the supervising officer to the scene.

hey, what night did this happen?

that would be sunday night between 10 30 - midnight in Mississaugua … On dundas street east of dixie.

naw fuck it , im just gonna guesswas this saturday night ? dixie and dundas area? lemme guess blow off valve was out of an rx-7? funny story…

saturday, i get a call from a good freind of mine , His name is Radim, he used to own Metalex motor works, and asked me if i knew of anybody on the boards that got arrested because, Steve from a-spec caught a theif in the act of stealing a blow off valve, and trying to get various other thing out of this rx-7, so as steve approached his rx-7 he asks this guy under the hood what he he’s doing, this fellow replies im looking at my car, so steve re-buts fuck you that my fucking car, a second head pops up from under the hood, and these two fellows ran off in a hurry, jumped into a while 240sx and boogied, driving like manics, well steve being the smart fellow he is , jumps in his car, calls police, with the licence plate number , and procedes to follow this white 240 that oddly enough gets loses control spins out then gets pulled over by the police, the two chaps were then pulled out of the vehicle and detained by peels regions finest, oddly enough the blow off valve was the same one you said you had, even funnier i know that these two incidents are connected, because i know you were pulled over because of a stolen blow off valve from a rx-7 isnt that correct? unless there are 2 white 240sx’s that got pulled over in the same area for the 2 rx-7 turbos, in the same vecinity around the same time ,that were robbed the same night for the same parts from the same manufacterer

Man u got some bad luck

maybe i am wrong , maybe the cops are just dicks, maybe im totally right, but i know for a fact that the 240 that was pulled over was seen by an eyewitness as were the plates, i also know that the owner of the rx-7 was able to veiw the 240sx as it was pulled over and 2 male suspects were detained,

well that easy then go talk to steve at A-spec, he’s a good guy and the cops were being dicks then, because they arrested the guys that stole the blow off valve

dude you got the worst luck ever , go talk to steve from a-spec and confirm what make of blow off valve he had stolen, cuz the timeline doesnt work, the cops are just being dicks, thats a super fucked up coincidence , Just go talk to steve at A-spec, just off of dundas, look them up in the yellow pages