Corrupt my wish - Forum Game.

granted! you are now homeless and missing the 2 love seats and sofas.

i wish i had some liqour!

granted! but now you got wisky dick and can’t get off

i wish it wasn’t snowing


buts its negative 37 out

you didnt make a wish, and don’t understand the game.


goddamn noobs.

i wish i didnt have to shower, ever.

Granted but people would try and use you as a garden planter cuz your so effing dirty
I wish I wasn’t soaking ass wet at the moment

granted but now you are stuck on a 3x3 island and the only way to get off is get wet again…

i wish i had more beer in my fridge!

granted no consequence

i wish that cossey would rejoin the damn forums seeing as hes part of pi

granted but he bans you :lol j/k

i wish that i had the boat from giligans island lol

granted but get it full of gay guys and r now stranded on gay island!!!

i wish this dam laptop had bigger buttons

granted but all your shemale porn sites are on your favs so you dont need bigger keys

i wish that the 24 hours of jackass was better

granted but your tv just died…

i wish i wasnt stuck at work

granted but now your broke dick

i wish i didnt have to go to wotk at 4 :lol

granted but now synapse is gonna keep your car til august cuz you cant afford to pay the bill…

i wish i had another money tree in my apartment, the one i have is running low on leaves…

granted but its monopoly money

i wish the girl at the jewelry store didnt have a boyfriend :headbang

granted but she’s a shemale and looking to fuck u!!

i wish i ran better than 13.00 so swifty would tlak to me :crackup

granted, but now i call at 4am and cry to you

i wish for nothing

granted but you get something.

i wish for warm weather NOW!

:stfu i forgot

n00b now grant my wish now that you fucked it up again.