Corrupt my wish - Forum Game.

granted but as soon as it was done it blew up

i wish i didnt run out of AXE

granted but the scent you have is swamp ass and you didnt realize it til you went out…

i wish someone was at their house so i could get these HID’s in!

granted tomorrow morning but while pluging them in you blow a fuse and your girls car explodes in my garage

i wish amanda was single ASAP!

granted bu now she dates good ol George W

i wish we had better presidential candidates

granted but we still are hated by every country anyways so fuck it

i wish i was more drunk so i could sleep

granted but you wouldnt sleep cause you would be puking

i wish i was asleep

granted but now your dreaming about me naked and its weird

i wish you werent dreaming about me naked

most definitly granted but now im dreaming about amanda :lol j/k

i wish swifty didnt want me dreaming about him naked

granted, but now i’m watching you through your window

i wish you woke up :lol

granted but now your car is in my driveway and your no where to be seen and i have the keys ;D

i wish there wasnt snow all over so i could rip swiftys car ;D

granted, but you cant handle it and lose to a stock neon w/ aftermarket dual exhaust

i wish you didnt ruin my rep :tong

granted but your rep is ruined cause on the second run with the neon you were driving and still lost :lol :banana

i wish swiftys car was faster :tong

granted but he still loses to me in the spring…

i wish it was at least 40 outside!

granted, but you inside sick!

i wish there were no more computer problems here at work w/out any consequences!

Granted, you are back in the stone age with no need for IT people

I wish they did a better job plowing around here

granted but now the roads have huge potholes in them

i wish my oven would cook faster

Wait, you’ve been down my road ;D


The pot holes on my road this time of year make the grand canyon look small.

Granted, but now everything it cooks it burns.

I wish I didn’t have a sinus infection