Corrupt my wish - Forum Game.

Granted, but your Ron Jeremy

I wish it was summer time

ROFL :crackup

sorry back to the thread

granted, but allergic to sun light

i wish for world domination

Granted but the world gets nuked by some crazy dude

I wish I had a new car of my choice

Granted, but, at the time for some reason, you wanted the Oscar-Meyer Weinermobile.

I wish I for a new set of r-compound tires weekly, from now on.

granted, but they only fit on a dumptruck.

I wish I had the skills to drag pegs

granted, but only on a toy motorcycle

i wish nitrous was 1$ per pound ;D

granted . but they chanfed all bottles to 4 0z. max fill.

i wish i had sum thing too wish for?? lol

Granted, but it would be to have a sex change so you could marry your brother.
I wish i didn’t have to work.

granted but your only place to go would be a gay bar

i wish for something exciting to do tonight.

granted but your friends blow you off

I wish that my rod never threw

dude, aren’t you his friend? thats fuckin ghey

granted, but somebody threw there “rod” at you, and you catch…

I wish it was summertime

granted but it 32 out a blizzard for the next month

i wish i hadn’t had that sex change… :lol

what happen thread dead already.

can i corrupt my own wish?

what do you mean already, the thread started in october :confused

what do u mean, what do i mean??? lol
i said already???

i hit a lil dry spell there the other day but i’m goo to go now… :nod

i wish i could use our toilet right now, fuck you septic system guy

wish granted but the shitter fills u with shit instead!!

i wish for wamer weather!!!

granted but snow and salt is still everywhere :mwahaha

i wish i didn’t sell my winter beater :lol

granted but the beater is beating u now.

i wish for std free hookers ;D