Since the white car isnt running atm, its gotta be old.
Yeah thats the place. its a 30-40mph road too. real smart and respectable huh. I see unsafe start, failure to stay right, reckless driving and imprudent speed for conditions. 8+ points and a misdemeanor for a cherry on top.
Real cool, i am sure he impressed the elderly, all the family’s with their kids and the rest of the people in that fine establishment doing that weak ass burnout.
That reply is full of contradictions its retarded. :rofl not sticking up for the guy, but its stupid to drive like that anywhere at anytime. And hes not saying there are kids playing hop scotch in the fucking road. there are people trying to enjoy a peace full dinner at a local business. Its not like they are at the bar in Lake George for the nationals getting an ice cream watching all the hot rods go by. What he did is no more disrespectful to the neighborhood and that diner than it would be to do a rolling burnout past a funeral home as they hearse pulled up.
Like you said we all like the noises and sights that our performance cars and bikes do. But picking the time and place is a fine line to push your luck. Even if a car guy was there, saw that and said “man that’s a bad ass car”… the memory would last a moment and that’s it. Big whoop. But I will guarantee you if you took a poll by all the people that witnessed that 99% would say “yeah that guy was acting like a douche bag”.
or you gonna be a man and pull the front driveshaft! If you want to pull the front driveshaft for the IMAMANSWITCH bring that bitch up! Takes 10 minutes.
you cant talk you have no vehicle. im not personally defending him, WE ALL WOULD DO IT. so like i said,wen ppl do it infront of kuver,shame on them. i can hear central ave from my apartment, man when you guys on ur bikes and in ur cars get on it while im feeding my fat ass… oh fuck you all your all fucking douche bags. geezus mike really.get over these guys holy fuck.
stop if that was ur car in the vid this wouldnt even be a thread saying anything but o was he spraying or on motor.
and ry,if he spun out which he didnt even come close to being drift king sideways, it would have been and issue but he didnt. if someone did that and spun out they should never own any rwd car even if it had 1 hp
everyones suuuuch haters:rofl i dont kno or like the kid but i will give him props on his car and on that little burnout that supposidly stoped the shift world from spinning
False, I have been there MANY times on my bike and when I leave I don’t rip out of the lot and do a wheelie or 0-60+ pull, it’s called being mature and respecting the families that are there eating, obviously there are plenty of people on this sight who lack that.
There is a time and place for it, and that isn’t it.
Homie, I’m just saying… tons of little kids meandering around there. I just wouldnt’ do it there but w/e. We all drive like dumbfucks from time to time.