cost to get wheels un-mounted

How much would a shop charge to simply un-mount 4 tires. I need to have them taken off, one to ship out to have fixed, and then get them ready for powdercoating. I would assume most places will have somoene nice enough to just do it for a $5 tip.

why dont you call a shop and ask?

doubtful everywhere i worked would charge you the mounting fee

If the tires are thrashed get a schraeder valve puller and a good pair of snips.

I took my old wheels to Dunn Tire (transit and main) and they unmounted them for free. I expected to pay something when they were done, but the manager said don’t worry about it.

im sure someone on here would do them for like 20 bucks for all of them.

$5 is pretty much an insult… it would still take 30 mins to complete this task by a qualified mechanic.

no,it wouldnt

5 mins a wheel, plus time moving the wheels over to the machine?

obviously the actual physical time to remove a tire with the wheel setup on the machine is less, but you can’t only factor that.

iv walked the wheels to the machine several times.He does his thing…I take back to my vechicle.About 5 minutes to remove the tires id say.

40$ is what you should expect.

if your lucky less.
I just do mine myself, its not that hard to do.

you’re doing some of the work then.

I typically wait about 30 mins from arriving at the shop to cashing out when I’m just getting tires removed. I don’t think it’s realistic to expect less.

I guess it’s the same argument as saying it only takes a shop 5 minutes to do an oil change… it does, but it doesn’t.

I’m actually thinking about doing the same thing. I’d say try swerve motorsports. Maybe $20. The place i used to go did them for $10 but the guy who use to hook me doesnt work there anymore.

r u saving tires?

Anyone else notice the blatant use of the word unmounted? Dismounted would be the correct wording, and most shops will charge you. If you know someone, or someone on here chimes in, they would most likely do it for a $20 tip or so.

i’ll tell you what… if you drive out to Wellsville… I’ll have the shop do it for FREE.

There’s a catch though… driving to Wellsville, we’re a little far.

^ haha, little far

I guess I’ll just wait till I have time to take them to a friends shop to do it myself on his machine. I don’t have time to get out there now.

The tires are driveable, but I won’t be re-using them.

i figured i’d at least offer

thanks for the offer :tup:

ive got a tire dismounting hand tool, bring them shits over, it’ll be fun. i did the bike tires with it.