Country Fest 2011

There’s not hate, it’s just that there is any decent performers this year. But wtf do I know, I don’t listen to a lot of country.

I mainly listen to country and I think the line up sucks.

Country music rocks. Country FEST, however, does not.

Country Throwdown > Country Fest last year

I don’t know how anyone can enjoy country music. Look at me! I can sing in a deep falsetto with a fake accent while some douchebag plays slide guitar in the background!

jdaniels hates all music

No, I hate people that can’t sing trying to do so. It’s like going to karaoke night and actually enjoying the drunk fucks singing… not going to happen for me.

so whats your type of music?

Country is far better than a lot of the crap they play today on the radio. It’s certainly better than metal or rock (which in my opinion - as someone who did 8 years of music school - isn’t music).

Country music FTW.


And that is why your opinion sucks. :rofl

Okay. I guess the fact that I have 8 years formal training in music means I don’t know what I’m talking about. :lol

It’s a bunch of noise with a person(s) yelling/screaming (metal/death metal). How the hell is that music? :lol. It’s noise. Noise that makes you want to murder small animals. :rofl

I’ll listen to pretty much anything other than country twang bullshit music, house music, Christian music of any sort and oldies.

Just got off the phone with Sammy Hagar. He heard what you said about Rock not being music and told me to tell you that his god carries a hammer. Didn’t yours die nailed to a cross?

Pfft. Not music. Yeah, and Joe Jiggs has a Ph.D

They generally don’t play death metal on the radio. I don’t listen to that either, I tend to agree with you on this subject. Rock music is not the devil though.

I never said it was the devil :lol.

And yeah, they don’t which is good. But I hear people at stop lights rocking out to it and it really makes me wonder how they can like it (not because it sounds evil or whatever, but because to me, it’s just not music). I was basing my judgments solely on whether it’s music or not based on my education.

Skillet is a “Christian” Rock band that they have played on the radio (non Christian stations which is where I heard of em). That’s about as far as I’ll go with rock before it sounds like crap to me.

To each his own I guess. I just can’t understand the obsession with country music in this area. It used to be isolated to just grungy hillbillies and old people.

Yeah true. To each his own.

I love metal/hardcore of almost all types except for the whiny emo bullshit and it doesnt make me wanna murder small animals. But ive always wanted to punt small dogs like footballs for the hell of it. Its all personal opinion and 99% of the shit on the radio is just that, shit.

What is the actual (or your) definition of Music and how does rock/metal not fall under that definition?

As far as I am concerned music is art and a lot of times when it comes to art there are no rules. Maybe the screaming vocals is too much for you (and a lot of people for that matter) but the guitars still play notes and chords and the drummers are usually the most talented drummers on earth still using time scales, separation and rhythm.

Please explain how just because you don’t like something, based on your education it is not music.

Also, Country music sucks!