couple questions about options on paint jobs

i want to paint my car a different color then the green it is now, my car DESPERATELY needs body work and paint… rust spot on every panel, and some are really bad… anyways the guy im goin through may charge an extra $200 for door jambs and about 3 inches in under the hood and trunk… is that worth it? or should i have it painted without the door jambs and just do it myself, but im assuming its $200-250 becuase its a pain? i think i could rattle can the jambs… but seeing if its really worth it to “do it right the first time” in this case

i would have it done, 200 is not alot when you are doing paint work, how much are you paying and who is doing it?

how much for the whole paint job, Micah?

As long as it’s not flat black, :tup:


lol it wont be flat black

whole paint job is 1K, plus the 200 for jambs, gettin done by friend of the family, he normally charges a lot more… cant say his name tho

do the jambs…it will look a ton better

Do them, otherwise it will drive you nuts every time you get in your car.

yea i think im gonna get them done…

i didnt think id invest any more into my car, but until im in new car market, id like to have somethin look a lil better… so im gonna do a few things besides paint…should look sik when im done


If i had a car that was black on the outside, but you open the doors or pop the hood and its like green or something… That would piss me off hardcore