What can a good paint job on a car be had for?

Not looking for a show car, but at least factory quality. The car would need the license plate holes filled and if possible a couple very small dings taken out.

What are we talking about here, a couple cows and a chicken, how much?

Plan on spending atleast $2500 on up to get anything close to a decent job.

Won’t need trunk or door jams sprayed either, keeping it the same color.

I kinda figured $2500 was the ballpark.

When are you looking to have this done?

If I got a good price from someone legit, then sometime this summer. I’m in no rush.

no engine bay/door jams/trunk is a biggie, I’d say the lowest you’re looking at from anywhere respectable is $2000.

I’m looking to change up my cobra to the 03/04 torch red, it’s already laser red so I wouldn’t bother with anything extra, I just want it to be a good paint job.

Word, so it’s essentially not a color change. Check out turbociv’s thread, some good recommendations in there. PM UBengineering too, he has a hookup.

Hey Jeremy call Ferbers in Angola, they do good work. Not too sure on price but they do all the body work on our cars than need it.

Torch red and lazer red are way different colors. It might look terrible to not do the jams and what not.

I don’t drive, or park the car with the doors or hood open. I’m not paying for the engine bay so why bother with the jams? I guess if the guy really wanted to do the jams and wasn’t gunna charge much extra.

Are you able to do any prep yourself? I had my entire car painted, including door jams and inside the trunk for $1400. And it was a great job from a respectable shop. The difference was me doing some prep myself.

Anything you can do to cut labor can help a lot. Even if it’s just taking apart parts that need to be removed. You just need to talk to the shop prior to try and set something up.

I know some mexicans that will do it down here total for 1200. Stuff looks good too!

it can be done for cheap, but thats with you prepping/removing parts

id say anywhere from 1200-2000

the GN was stripped by us and it still cost around 5k

pm me =)