COVID-19/20/21/22 Discussion (NOW COVID-23?)

Honestly, I felt like a MILLION BUCKS after getting the IV drip concoction. [I washed and waxed my truck, put away my patio furniture, played with the kids outside and did some yard work.] My wife decided to wait and she sat and fought a 104* temp for two days. After she did it, she started feeling better, her temp dropped to 100* the following day, then two days later broke the fever all together. I bet if she did it right away like I did she would have cut a few days of feeling like trash right out of there.

End of the day, I paid like $500 to get what I wanted for treatment and we are all doing fine.

I just can’t believe the standard is to tell everyone to go home and relax. Maybe cut you a script for some Flonase. Then in ~2 weeks or so if you haven’t won, just go to the hospital. I bet their cost on an IV with a few of those cheapo meds is like $50… not even worth you driving home. They should just have them on site and give it to anyone that tests positive. I bet it would keep at least 50% of the people out of the hospital or at least going back to their doctor /urgent care for follow up help.

But again, healthcare doesn’t actually care about YOU.

I think you are misunderstanding the process. Did you know there are vaccines out there to help reduce the number of people you can infect when you get it as well as reduce symptoms and chance of Death?

I struggle with that statistic too. What is the control group for an illness that nobody can readily predict all the complications people will have?

I’ll have to go get my wife and I an antibody test. Counts for zero, but at least I would know if that’s what we had.

How does one find provider’s of IV drips? I assume it is just one of these places:

Unless you got something really “special”

Yeah you can give a place like that a call. Something like Vitamins C,B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B12,D, Hydroxocobalamin, Magnesium, and Calcium is a great start. You can talk about antibodies and ivermectin if you want on top of that.

Looking at their website I bet their ‘Immunity’ drip has a lot of that stuff in it already.

I wonder how or if they can give out horse paste in NY.

I was in a Country Max store Saturday and did see some of the good stuff in a locked case.
I think they ask for proof of horse ownership now.

How many of you are on a vitamin regiment daily? I have been taking vitamin D3 (5000ui) for years now because my D level (haha) were low. I also take 50mg of zinc and 100mcg of B12 as well.

This, coupled with moderate exercise, and I’ve not been sick (even seasonal allergies) in years.

Add to that, taking vitamin D3 in the winter has drastically improved my mood/demeanor during those long winter days.

Covid isn’t anything to be scared about, unless you are an unhealthy person. The “healthy people” dying of covid aren’t healthy, they aren’t. They have serious health issues that the news only reports at the very end of their articles, if they do at all. Overweight people ARE NOT healthy. You are most certainly straining your body by carrying extra weight. Facts.


dude spot on, I need to drop 15lbs but that is about it. D3 makes such a huge difference in the winter its crazy.

Yep I take D3 and B12 daily. Sometimes C and zinc when I think of it or the wife shoves it in front of me.

pretty sur emy wife has our boys on all this stuff but i’ll have ot give it a try myself. probably better than all the espressos i ingest daily.

Very simple. I use the same approach with everything that needs questioning. Follow the money and who benefits most. Use this when considering anything and the lens becomes clear. If you owned a pharma company, what is the easiest and best way to generate untold wealth? Make everyone believe you need a cure that trumps all other options. Promote fear and dependence and watch the money roll in.11301


Man was willing to sign waivers to take liability off of the hospital but they refused to use Ivermectin. She passed away from Covid.

Did anyone else ever go to Google to track the number of cases per state/county? All you had to do was type in Covid19 and it would show the graph on that main page that popped up the search.
That graph and selecting the states or counties you want to see percentages of is no longer listed on Google anymore. I found that very interesting today, especially seeing that we are at our 4th wave with a fairly large amount of people contracting covid. I wonder if maybe because it goes against the vaccination rates and showing the number of people to have covid or to compare states like New York to Florida, which Florida is now doing better than NY.

hot take incoming form ‘"Popular’ ‘Science’"


double sentence: She says that the typical disease can be so severe that she’d rather treat many people with vaccine-associated myopericarditis than a single case of viral myocarditis. She says that the typical disease can be so severe that she’d rather treat many people with vaccine-associated myopericarditis than a single case of viral myocarditis

Nothing to see here: In an overview of vaccine-related heart inflammation published this summer, about 60 percent showed some change in heart activity, indicating that the heart muscle itself was affected.

No one dies of Myocarditis: “But we now have had time to see that these are different entities, not with this same prognosis. Nobody has died of myopericarditis, and children are dying of coronavirus. So of course it’s a benefit-risk ratio that comes out in the direction of vaccination.”

This Dr peter mccullough is from buffalo. says the opposite of popular science. His resume is probably infinity-times stronger than the 'expert’s in the popsci piece


Do you have a link to this video?

yeah its on YT which means it will be taken down at some point. YT is acting up on me and i cannot get the link without a timestamp but here goes:


They also fail to tell everyone that 50% of people that get myocarditis die over 5-6years. Not that a long life is important or anything.

Dumb question, I know engineering not science…

Let’s say you get the Moderna shot, is myocarditis something that they are saying occurs after injection regardless of symptoms or is it just during the initial severe injection reactions some people are having?

I am vaccinated (Moderna) and had ZERO reactions to both injections, I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting the booster though. But being jabbed, is myocarditis something that can occur whenever/is it a lasting condition?

This is why shutting down the conversation on social media and what not is NOT the way to approach this, I can’t find information that I need because it’s been hidden/removed.


I think it typically happens within a couple days of getting the jab. I don’t think its a long term risk, but I’m not sure anyone knows what will happen long term with the jab at this point.

Called into the office today asking for coworker #1. He’s out. Asked for coworker #2. He’s out. Come to find out through the grapevine they both are on quarantine. Sounds like #1 is too sick to even work from home. Both are jabbed. # 1 proudly stating so. Guess who’s still at work with no sick days this year. ME. Unjabbed and still working.


I didn’t miss a day of work, go figure.