COVID-19/20/21/22 Discussion (NOW COVID-23?)

At one point in several states, it didn’t spread if you ate at a restaurant while having a beer but it did if you just wanted to go to a bar to have a beer.

is the overall mortality rate in the US, or state by state, still the same as before covid like it is in Canada and everywhere else?

Deaths are up, more than even covid can account for, and they’re not sure why yet.

I would start looking at extra drug/alcohol deaths, suicides, vax deaths, domestic violence, etc. that are a result of lockdowns.

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Plus all the people the delayed checkups and treatments, or got crappy “tele-doc” yearly checkups that were bound to miss most things.

Suicide rates, surprisingly, have remained stable or lowered.

I mean, I’m sure some of those suicides were Covid related. Right?

Well, maybe. That would mean that suicides for other reasons dropped significantly though since the overall number remained the same or dropped.

I’m honestly baffled by this one. At the start of covid we all just kind of assumed there would be this big jump in suicide and then no one really talked about it other than random “suicides are WAY up, more than covid deaths” stuff people would say but have any legit sources. No one challenged them because it made sense and we assumed it was true.

Covid hit even people that have never been depressed or suicidal hard. I assumed that would apply to people who were already depressed and would definitely equate to more of them going over that suicidal edge, especially when you figure how many stopped getting good in person counseling and switched to virtual or not getting help at all. That didn’t play out in the numbers though.

I’m sure someone will claim a bunch of people that jumped off bridges, shot themselves in the head or walked out in front of buses got marked down as covid deaths not suicides. That’s pretty tough to pull off when life insurance companies have a huge financial incentive to make sure every suicide is recorded as one.

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Check out the CDC stats around COVID mortality with a comorbidity around “Purposeful or non-purposeful Injury” but they were classified as COVID deaths. E,g, hit by a car

Add Shea’s to the list.

Statscan - excess mortality.pdf (243.1 KB)

commentary from Statistics Canada on excess mortatlity. It asserts that already more than 10,000 people have died from lockdown related deaths due to “delayed medical interventions”, “increased substance use” and suicide.

81% of the excess deaths in the 0-44 age category are men, there were 1,385 of them.

This is almost a year old though. Dec 2020

This “we can force you to get a vax and ban you from stuff because it’s a health emergency” is such a slippery slope.

800k a year in the US, EVERY YEAR, die from heart disease. So even if you believe the covid death number is 100% accurate heart disease is a far worse health emergency right? So do we mandate a BMI card, and if you’re too fat you’re not allowed some delicious Five Guys fries?


stop using logic, it doesnt apply any more. all that matters now is power dynamics and ‘they’ have been filling all the positions of power for a long time while we were all asleep.

also, you keep flip flopping on COVID is serious and COVID is BS so sometimes i cant tell whether i should be agreeing with you or arguing with you :slight_smile:

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Here’s a little crash course then in where I stand

  • Covid is serious
  • Covid is not “just the flu”
  • The government has politized it (like they do anything)
  • People at the far end like Ron DeSantis and Kathy Hochul are not helping anyone
  • Just ignoring it and going back to normal isn’t going to work unless you’re willing to accept a ton of deaths
  • The delta variant is much more contagious
  • The virus is now spreading easily to children, something it wasn’t doing until delta
  • Children that do get infected are getting much sicker, another new delta development
  • Your cloth mask probably isn’t doing a lot if you’re in a room with poor ventilation and someone has delta
  • An N95 or KN95 likely would help a lot, but they’re terribly uncomfortable to wear long term
  • Vax mandates are a slippery slope, but have legal precedent
  • Ivermectin should be an option for anyone with covid and we should be doing double blind studies
  • The government would have a lot more trust if they didn’t ban things like ivermectin while claiming it was “horse medicine” when it’s been readily used on people for decades

Stuff like this, definitely doesn’t help build trust in your government:

She walked out the hospital by the way:

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The government would have a lot more trust if they didn’t ban things like ivermectin while claiming it was “horse medicine” when it’s been readily used on people for decades

And is on the World Health Organizations site as an essential drug. (not for covid but in general)

LOL that horse dewormer helped a terminally ill patient…

My position might change when the cdc says those that have recovered are better protected.

Until then, they are ignoring elementary biology.

For all the stories of horrific reactions to the infection, I bet there are as many people with similar medical conditions that walked it off.

I would also Ike to know how to initiate a class action lawsuit towards employers that mandate a medical treatment. Now that the threshold has been crossed, there is no turning back.

Its impossible to really know the long term effects. I dont really expect it to be as bad as it could be or as bad as the right side media suggests.

The main issue is that nobody can be held accountable. Unless you skip the jab. Then you will be a felon by 2022.

Trinidad has interesting carts.

Covid deaths spiked at an odd time with respect to the vax program. Probably just coincidence though.

Yeah, the fact that most other countries are taking into account people that have had covid and recovered and giving them a pass on vax mandates also adds to the distrust of our government when they refuse to do the same.


I can say, anecdotally, that this was the case based on my proximity to the mental health field. There was a spike. Has it been sustained? I have no idea, but I stopped hearing about it.

Just like I have been doing since day one of this pandemic:

5000ui of vitamin D3
50mg of Zinc
1000mg of vitamin B12

I am vaccinated but I care very little about that fact, it was back in March so who knows what effectiveness it has at this point.

My mindset has been and will continue to be, stay healthy. Now is not the time to be a fat-ass, lethargic mouth breather of a person. During a global pandemic? Not ideal. During normal times? Not ideal.

I have a completely fucked up back and it’s been a horrible experience honestly, but I still eat healthy and maintain a lower BMI. Why? Because my body is my responsibility.