COVID-19 Pandemic Thread [NY Now Closes All Biz]

Latest Buffalo news says we’re not opening Friday… However there was a walk back of the 2 week phase waiting period so that’s nice. I wasn’t expecting Friday anyway, but if we miss the June 1st mark that’s going to suck.

While the governor has previously said that regions must wait 14 days between each reopening phase, state officials said Tuesday that the waiting period is not set in stone.


So Cuomo extends stay at home order to mid June for those regions that can’t re-open. But can that be lifted early for those regions if they hit all the metrics before mid June? I would think yes but I haven’t seen anywhere yet (in my limited searching) that indicates that to be true.

Yes. I work for the state and received a bulletin indicating such

We have been exempt through all of this (semiconductor and medical) but have been limiting people in the office to the bare minimum to keep things going. Ive been doing one day a week to do lab work that I physically cant do from home.

Other than requiring masks things have been pretty normal.

Now that we have the go ahead from the state to open (Im in Rochester) they are going to start taking everyone’s temps as we enter (between 8 and 830 for engineering) and giving each person a bracelet with a color of the day saying you’re good.

Seems silly at this point but I guess its coming down from corpo so that all our divisions are consistent.

We just had a round of ‘headcount reduction’ last week.
No furloughs, no layoffs. Just more work for the rest of us.

I still only put on my useless face covering when i’m within 6’ of people and I still want to high five people like me out in the world. I have no problem with people wanting more personal space.

I also love hearing people mutter under their breath that masks are required.
(from 15’ away)

I can’t wait until 9 years from now we have studies on how specific actions effected NYC.
Nursing home mandates and not cleaning the subway for example.

I still stand by my statements that NYC is a hazard to public health and should have residents relocated to surrounding states until no more lives are lost outside of natural causes.


I had to reject someone yesterday at work for coming in with a fever. It did not go over well, luckily he left without security or law enforcement needing to be called.

That was the closest I’ve ever come to having a physical confrontation with someone at work.

I had a lady ask me to move out of the aisle at Wegmans (she literally went, “can you please move”) because she couldn’t get through without being close to me. I just looked at her. I honestly didn’t know what to say. I was buying mustard.


I did some driving around today.

The Home Depot line was like 15 minutes to get in because they’re limiting it to 200 people inside. No one really spacing out in the line, no one really spacing out inside.

Stopped by Black Forest to see if @bracketracer was back and get an engine light scanned on my wife’s car, and it was nice to see them back to work :+1:

Generally speaking, most places I drove by were open except for restaurants. Most people had masks on, but still a lot didn’t.

Kids were outside playing with each other as normal.


Apparently this has been changed now. We have a 3 day average number, I’ll have to look it up but something that I just heard briefly while packing up for work.

WNY gets the OK to start phase 1 reopening tomorrow.


I enjoyed reading that Hogan and Willig is suing Cuomo.

I don’t believe the trolls in that the timing of the ‘shift in data’ is related to the lawsuit.

I also noticed that comments on the YouTube streams for the Cuomo conferences exactly match the network that is offering the stream.

life goes on as normal here, working and staying home. there’s something going on out in the world i should know about?

not sure if this ‘outline’ link will work but Canada’s economy expected to contract by 42% in the currnet quarter vs. the prior quarter:

“Canada’s economy will shrink by 42% annualized in the three months through June 30 from the prior quarter, according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg survey of economists. The magnitude is staggering, with the expected decline almost five times the largest quarterly contraction during the 2008-09 financial crisis.”

Legalize pot Trump. You will cause an influx of a fuck ton of cash. Oregon just sold $90M worth in one month.

It’s already being smoked everywhere. In NY anything less than 2 ounces is decriminalized with a $50 penalty. People are blazing in the streets in front of cops no one cares.

Don’t follow in Canada’s footsteps though, they sucked at rolling it out.


Keeping that boarder closed another month isn’t going to help.

I was reading that Trudeau might implement heath checks and quarantines for people crossing even AFTER June 21st.

Of course he would. Wait until we implement “Covid-19” inspections in NYS. You’ll need to go to your local inspection site, get tested and then carry around your CV19 registration wherever you are. Expires every month. Costs $15.

You know. To save the old people.