Crash on I79

Police Chase and Motorcycle crash on I79

My buddy was right there when most of this went down. He said that what is being reported on the news is not what happened. He said both bikes blew by him like he was standing still and then one bike pulled over in Bridgeville. The other kept going. He said the police hit the bike, not the bike hit the police car as reported.

It really sucks for the female passenger, but if you run, you are obviously prepared to accept whatever happens, even death.

Idiot motorcycle driver


My girlfriend saw the chase near Bridgeville yesterday.

first off if the cop hit him it would be on his dash cam.

They cover that shit up to protect the officer

i got stuck in that shit with no ac. not cool

damn. crazy


Click on the video to the right and watch another cyclist on a cruiser crash into the guard rail!!!

Good. Id be happier if the police came out and said…fuck yeah we took that motherfucker out.

I know some officers involved in the pursuit… what was said in the news report is exactly what was relayed to me.

Awww, poor bike.

thats a shame… people in cars slamming the brakes to see what happened and caused another accident. awesome… the dude on the bike didn’t really handle the quick stop all that great… which makes me wonder why dudes on bikes continuously ride people’s asses on the highway? a quick brake-check and they are down.

your a idiot…

[QUOTE=Hero;772489][URL=“”] He said the police hit the bike, not the bike hit the police car as reported.QUOTE]


the retard…u turned and headed south in the northbound…and then smacked into the psp car…

and just so you know when you use a vehcial and you turn and head towards a police officer or cruiser…that is the same as pulling a gun and pointing it at him

Yea fucking rubber neckers. Who cares what happens in the lanes of traffic going the other way. People in this area should realize that they can’t even drive forward let alone try and look off to the side for something completely unrelated to their direction of travel. The guy on the cruiser could have handle the situation a lot better but I bet he doesn’t even have a license. It sucks he wrecked but it is funny as hell watching that video over and over again.

the biker paying attention to the wreck and not the traffic infront of him was ammusing