Crash Reports

ECR still races they moved to the Indian Lookout Country Club in 08 or 09. Its where harley rendezvous is held near Mariaville lake.

had surgery #2 today. little more invasive, and they left a drain hanging out. Im on couch duty until it stops draining and I get it taken out (hopefully within a week)

pain in the ass

Heal up man, best wishes.


Few years ago I was riding my polaris predator 500 out in schodack at an old summer camp that had been abandoned. There was a long winding dirt road through the woods to it which had been ridden on for years and the puddles had become huge 15 ft wide holes that if you got it right you could jump from one the the other if you were haulin ass. Well, it was winter and about 20 degrees and they were all frozen so I was flying I had a good rythm going and I hit one of the last ones at at least 30-40 and as Im coming down I realized the one I was landing in wasnt frozen… When I landed the quad stopped as if the hand of god grabbed it I flew over the bars and landed in the next one that also wasnt frozen and was about 6-8 inches deep full of 3-4 inch thick ice chunks. I landed sideways kinda on my shoulder I immediately couldn’t breathe because the water was so cold and I found later I cracked a rib I got up as fast as I could but not before the quad ran my leg over lol. I flew home on the roads so I could get outta the wet clothes which was about a 5 minute ride @ 65 MPH so yeah I was cold when I got back lmao.

Gear: Helmet, carhart cover alls and riding boots

What I learned: nothin…

2 crashes all minor lol and from stupidity lol

  1. When i was like 16 I had a yamaha grizzly, sat on front luggage rack and did dougnuts until it finnally caught traction and flipped over.

2.couple weeks after that same ATV tried hitting a huge hill jump at WOT without looking at were i would land I hit a tree midair and smashed the wheeler all to hell

gear- none

both left me scrapped up pretty good and taught me that If you wanna act dumb it catches up with you, I had done both things 100s of times unhurt, was deff a maturing experiance to lose my ATV from stupidity

ive had a couple quad accidents over the years. one of them on a honda foreman 550 (i think?) i was new, not even my quad…it belonged to the guy i work for at his farm. i was going through his field, and came traversing accross a little hill, and i could feel the quad going sideways…so it was either flip the quad, or turn and see what happened…i turned, and hit a tree head on. messed up the plastic trim, reallllyyyy fucked the front rack, had to break the plastic to get it to shift into reverse (automatic) i think i was maybe 12 or 13 then? i hurt my wrist a little, other than that was fine.

second one was last season, mid july. we got a honda recon 250 the year before, and id been out with it a few times. so i was riding with my friend, (he has a dirtbike) and we’re rippin through this one trail, when BAM. i hit a tiny stump hidden by some brush with the front left tire. me and the quad both went flying. quad landed upside down still running, idr how i landed…i just remember getting up, flipping the quad over, then running down the trail after my friend. only damage was the brake handle shifted a little, bent it back and was fine. no damage to me or the quad besides that!

what makes the story better? i had a car accident about a month before, and my court date was the day after my accident…or so we thought. literally right after i crashed, my phone starts ringing, its my mom “GET YOUR ASS HOME WE HAVE COURT!!!” “mom you said it was tomorrow?!” “nope i was wrong its today…” so me and my friend get back on and rip back to my house covered in mud, stripped of my clothes, super quick shower, went down to court over an hour and a half late, still got the ticket reduced X)

Worth adding this in.

Here is another from a member

My guard rail accident thread is around here somewhere too.

fixed it for ya.