crashed car pic's

somebody post that lotus that fell off the lift in a shop. does that one count?

Is it a crash?


it crashed down. but i guess it doesnt count. cuz it didnt crash in a conventional sense of the word “crash”

soon to be accident

:wow :ohnoes :ohnoes @ the stack of rocks

i’ve seen worse when it comes to holding up vehicles with unorthadox tools

…in india

multiple pics on link

yea, i saw some shady stuff in Russia as well

lol at vlad.

My dad and his buddies used to take his zhegul and put it on it’s side so they could work on the struts, exhaust, ets. lol.

i hit a dear with my old eclipse and it flew over the roof, my old blazer took out a couple of them too, my gmc would bounce them off the skid plate :slight_smile:

on the deer theme… 150mph on the autobahn…

something much less drastic:

my car vs steel guard rail at 50mph… turns out this will total a 1991.

if there’s a problem with those bimmer pics, i’ll just link 'em.

ahh yes, I was waiting for someone to post the BMW pic!

see? i’m a good addition to the forum already! yay me! ;D


Famous Crashes 2007. :headbang


pure brutal…

The car my motor came from :ohnoes :giggedy

So that’s what $1500 buys you!!! :lol

^Your dad was telling me how bad the car was, I didn’t know it was THAT bad :lol. Was the IM/header harmed (not that it mattered for you)? Just seems like there was a shitload of force on that whole car.

Well the only thing different in that pic is we took the hood off(the one bolt that was left holding it :lol) and took the door off. The IM was not damaged at all nor was the OEM header(even though it’s behind the motor). However, the water pump was cracked, needed a new one($140). Other than that, motor was minty fresh!

Blood everywhere in the interior(steering wheel/airbag, seats, carpet, doors), dude’s scalp in the windshield :ohnoes Had to have been a young kid messing around, I can’t imagine a car barrel rolling and going end over end on accident lol, losing an entire wheel/hub/suspension.