Crazy Weather 2day

yeah… it was crazyy

I saw a gold 240sx w/ rims that got ditched on the side on sheppard btw kennedy and birchmount on the north side

hope it wasn’t you guys

my car got soaked inside after I ran into a deep deep puddle…
spent and hour drying it…

luckly my home wasn’t flooded

anyone had problems?

my room in my basement got flooded, its carpet and clothes on the floor :frowning: spent hours drying the floor and doing laundry but on the bright side the raid washed all the bird poop on my car :smiley:

no frills flooded

peice of shit store was built on a no frills budget and the roof like went ape shit

and a tornado was like 1 km away

We have a big ass company, yet any little storm comes and our power
goes out. It’s retraded.

Not only that my boss keeps holding out on getting us UPS (I work as a
software developer). Hell everyone in the office should have a UPS. :run:

This time was worse because even the lights went out for a good 5min or
so until the generators kicked in.

Luckily when I left home around 5:30 the weather was pretty nice and
beautiful and the sun was out. Sucks for everyone who was out earlier.

My work and home flooded. Yay.

My part if Mississauga was perfectly fine, it supposedly rained kinda hard for about 20 minutes, thats it, nothing else.

My street flooded. And I watch my car slowly sink. Glad my car isn’t lowerd or my interior would be wet. Cause I wasn’t going out to move it. But it all dried up for the Jam I was at.


My GF lives right near where that tornado hit and appearantly for like 1-2 blocks all the cars batteries got fried when thunder struck, kinda freaky it reminds me of War of the Worlds.

Where i was it was just rain, but i heard a friend of a friend’s building got hit by 2 tornadoes and a bolt o lightnin, then started flooding.

A tornado hit just outside of Fergus yesterday, I drove right through the aftermath no more than a couple hours after it happened.

Saw a Rendevous in the middle of a farmers field all smashed up from rolling. There was another car in the field on its roof.

It also took the roofs off a couple houses.

I was at Kennedy and Sheppard in Scarborough, and noticed flooding here, there, etc. Then I went to my friend’s house in North York, and he showed me his backyard…

Lightning hit this big ass tree, split it into two, and it is completely covering his backyard. Big ass tree. But no flooding in his basement.

I was going to the DVP from king and bathurst area, and as I’m on the Gardiner, I notice cops all over the place. So I go up Carlaw, etc.

Anyways I thought somebody jumped, but it was flooded? It was fine when I drove down it at 7pm.

Weather owns you.

my house is near the top of a hill, and my driveway is on a huge slant. 8)

There was a hole bunch of cars that i saw while i was watching the news that got ruined by floods in the streets.

but I still feel the pain of those people… I was in the miata and i went into a puddle that was deeper then I thought and it slowed me down pretty fast.

Ed, did you get a chance to take a look at the rims? mesh, spoke? just curious.

I was fine being in my microcosm.

i live in niagara

there were tornados in toronto area ? wtf ?