Creaking in front end of quad

My '07 Polaris Outlaw 500 has a weird creak in the front end that I cant find or stop.

Ive greased all the fittings and that didnt help. Nothing seems loose or broken.

I cant get it to creak while its parked if I bounce it up and down either. It only happens while out riding.

Also I cant seem to get it to stop pulling hard to the right even though I adjusted the tie rods using a 2x4 to check the toe of the tires.

check tire pressure for pullin ,ya prolly got a bushing thats creakin or a shock .thats what happens when ya wash em off and let them sit soaked .i have always cleaned em then rode em around for a bit to get some heat back in it to evap all the water

Ill have to check the pressure. I havent done that in a long time. One wheel was tipped way out so I had to make an adjustment with the tie rod anyway.

I dont usually wash it after riding and if I do Ill dry it off real good with towels.

I wouldnt think something was worn out already but maybe it is. Ive only had it a year and it was a leftover when I bought it.

1st problem, its a Polaris…

Did you look over all the suspension pieces well? Might be a cracked piece, or something bent throwing something otu of alignment. You shouldnt of had to of adjusted the toe if something didnt get whacked good

Nothing wrong with it being a Polaris.

I didnt see anything obviously bent or broken. The tie rods look straight.

Im constantly smacking stumps and shit so thats why it was out of alignment. Ive had to adjust it before.

My old Kx’s use to creek after getting wet. It was always the rear shock pivot point. I would spray everything with some WD-40, then the noise would go away.

This noise is definately in the front.
Its got IRS so I dont know if its got a rear shock pivot point.

My brother says its the steering bushing towards the top near the handlebars. He’s got the same quad.

problem number one is its a Polaris.

your shocks are squeaking BTW

Whats with all the Polaris hate here?

I guess Ill have to wash it and wd40 it when I get a chance.

Weird because I bounced the front end up and down and I didnt hear anything.


who cares if it squeaks. Its a off road machine something hasto squeak sooner or later.

my quad sits on a stand in a heated garage all its life and the suspension still squeaks.

Its just annoying.
As far as I know the brakes are ok.

hahaha dude fuck the squeak lololol just ride it hard

wait wat


Polaris quads are shit. And you should always spray every moving peice/bearing with wd 40 before riding and after washing. It will displace the water and help with wearing.

Ill have to try that.
Ive never heard of doing that before.

The quad runs great so I dont see anything wrong with it being a Polaris.

ehhh I wouldnt say Polaris quads are shit…

maybe the older ones.

The new 08 + Predators are made by KTM…they are amazing…their other quads however are a different story.

+rep :lol

Usually (I haven’t seen any of the newer ones up close) there’s an upper and lower urethane bushing of some sort in the steering shaft- upper or lower, take your pick. Sometimes they’ll crack/snap/wear and dirt/crap/whatnot will work in the bushing/rod surface and squeak. Put it on a stand and turn the handlebars back and forth - if the suspension’s unloaded and you still get the squeak, probably steering related.

You could pull apart the lower (more than likely) bushing/rod assembly and clean it out/replace the bushing, or - pretty much the same as everyone else said - spray the crap out of it with wd40. It’ll be good for a little while, probably have to spray it after every wash, since more crap will get in there every time you ride it.

There is a bushing on the steering shaft.
Its only about $7 so I suppose I should just replace that.

Ive had the quad a year and didnt have this issue until a month or so ago.