Anyone here used creatine? was wondering if it really does what it says!
some people say it works great, others notice no difference. go waste(err spend) some money on it and find out.
when i used it, it did give me sudden bursts of energy. also increased my temper.
i think it helps with recovery. i noticed less pain after work when using it then when not using
i was only on it for about a month and a half… loaded up hard on it then continued regular doses and i didnt really notice anything
its always mixed. Some kids I played high school hockey used it. Some said it helped they others said it was a waste of money.
I was on it after highschool for a little while. I gained like 30lbs. Ever since, i’ve never been able to loose the fat.
never used it, never will
Here is a summary of creatine:
Creatine has been around since the early 1900s. Since then, researchers have proven that creatine influences athletic performance. Creatine is synthesized by the liver. Vegetables* do not contain creatine and half of your stored creatine comes from fish and meat. 95% of the creatine is stored in skeletal muscles and the remaining 5% in the brain. *Vegetarians do not suffer from creatine deficiency.
The main purpose of creatine is to supply energy to muscles. Creatine also increases the amount of water stored inside muscles cells. Recent research has shown that creatine stimulates the activity of satellite cells and improves their potential to grow and form new muscle cells.
Creatine is often combined with a very sugary drink mix. The insulin spike that results from the sugar helps to transport creatine into the cells.
Research and testing have shown that creatine is safe to use over the long term with no side effects although there was some controversy over muscle cramping caused by the supplement.
A normal diet (even vegetarian) and the way the body makes creatine is enough to support normal activities and supplementation may not be necessary for you.
Get a small supply that will last you a month and give it a try.
Creatine will not make you mean. It is not chemically possible and there is no chemical potential. People would be mean everytime they ate fish or red meat and pretty much all the time since creatine is synthesized in our bodies.
personally i like it. i use Sci Fit Creatine infusion…
i used it once in college. i immediately went up in weight, and got fatter (water). but when i stopped ppl told me i lost weight, but the strength stayed.
go w/ no-xplode works much much better
I’m taking it now again
its awesome if you like back-ne (back acne) and having inflatable useless muscles…
as for strength and a nice healthy looking build…no good
beer muscles > water muscles
edit: never used it or any other supplement (not even protein drinks or whatever goes in those nasty looking things) and benched 345 consistantly, squatted over 600 (wasnt much for lifting legs), was strong all around, while weighing 180…a good workout routine, and by good i mean BASIC, will help more than anything…
fat ass :blue:
sci fit FTW
No intrest in using
that stuff is awesome, but expensive
again, smart asses have to reply to cover the fact they don’t know dick. creatine is safe, and it does work. it doesn’t give “bacne”-steroids do, nice try though. its not a waste of money either. if you take it properly and the right amount, the results will be great. you only need around 5-10 grams per day, and there is no loading peroid needed. your better off in getting plain creatine, and mixing it with water. no-xplode, cell-tech, etc have a rep for bloationg you, but thats because there is a ton of suger in the drinks with the creatine. sugar does help release it faster, but it will release on its own. if you and a friend start taking it, and he takes cell-tech, and you take regular creatine, he will get results faster in the 1st few weeks, but after about a month or so, it will even out.
creatine doesn’t shut down your kidneys, it doesn’t give a temper, it doesn’t give roid rage, etc. in case anyone didn’t know, creatine is found naturally in red meat. mostly steaks. did anyone ever get roid rage from eating a sirloin? in the late 70’s, early 80’s, bodybuilders who ate more steak then those eating chicken, fish were getting bigger, and they did studies, etc, and found out the effects of creatine on the muscle system. long story short, when those lifters who ate only fish/chicken starting taking a powdered creatine, they caught up to those who ate steaks.
creatine works by allowing your muscle bodies to hold more water, that is where the so called bloating comes from. when your muscles are swelled with water, they expand, and are bigger, which allows you to lift more weight, and go at a higher intensity. once you stop taking it, which you should every 4 weeks for a 1 week, you should keep the strength you gained, because you didn’t take a testosarone booster.(steroids, andro, tribulis, etc). when you take those, you lose a lot of strength when your off because your muscles adapt to higher testosarone level, your not raising it with creatine. your gains will not be as great as with a testosarone bosster, but they will reamain after you get off it, and thats bonus of taking creatine.
it is not a lot of $. i get 2.2lbs for around $30, and its from eas, which is a very good brand. i recommend eas, gnc pro-performance, muscletech, and sci-fit. all are very good quality. honestly, if you want a serious answer, and want it accurate, just pm on here, and i’ll give it to you. 1/2 of the people who responded on this don’t know shit about supplements/lifting.
than please hit the white X in the red box & dont return,all u do is :crying:
wow, again a classic comeback to show how to cover up the fact they don’t shit about the subject. im not crying, im trying to give the guy helpful info on the subject. its annoying when everyone who replied knows1/100th of what i do about the subject, and they are smart ass replies. isn’t this site here to answer ?'s people have?