credit card debt...

i think he meant to say two cars that you make payments on…

wheres option D sell both, quit being a fagget, buy sick camaro or mustang :gotme:

However, there is point of diminishing returns.
If he already has an engineering degree and a good job that is different than someone that has a McJob and no diploma.
Real estate is king.

edit: 2% return on real estate is not accurate either unless you buy in love canal.

Just read the rest of the thread. Didn’t realize that home ownership was being discussed. Here’s what you do if you’ve got a shred of sense and want to buy a house within a year or two:

-Go to and check all 3 of your credit reports for accuracy.
-Once you’ve determined that everything is kosher go to and pull up one of your FICO scores.
-How’s your score? Good despite your revolving debt? Cool, plan your car spending accordingly. If it is below 700 (preferrably higher, or much higher) figure out why and how to improve it between now and when you want to take on a mortgage.
-Mortgage a house at a nice low interest rate

Oh, and for everyone crying that buying a home isn’t that great of an investment, keep in mind that when you rent you are guaranteed a 100% loss on your monthly payment. I’m at least putting 10% (and growing) of my monthly payment into an appreciating account. Plus I have a much higher quality of life than if I was renting an apartment, which is really what finance is all about.

Houses are cheap…
Duplex/Doubles are fucking great.

I might be buying another one just to rent it out, or like 2 more.

it isn’t so bad driving a beater to and from work, when you can park it in your garage, and then go into your house… and still have $$$$ leftover to blow on stupid shit.

I didn’t mean for him to go back to school, it was just a general fun fact for the thread.

I am aware of the possible ROI from real estate

  1. sell all
  2. buy VW
  3. stretch tires
  4. be sweet.

do what will make you happy…

you only live once…

dont get into too much cc debt. but keep in mind cc debt is not a bad thing as long as you can afford more than the minimum… also make sure you have enough in the bank to cover your ass for a few months just in case you get laid off… remember you live in buffalo, a dead economy.

All rappers have debt,its part of being a baller.Spending the cash just as fast as you make it.:stuck_out_tongue:

Turbo the Lotus and buy that firebird hood decal for the scooby.Win-Win situation.:smiley:



Anyway, there are 2 answers I am going to give here. The first is what people typically expect out of me, and the second is much more fun.

  1. Real estate. Make money with you money now,live comfortably forever and own more baller cars. I am going to own many 911s one day. This is how I plan on doing it.

  2. Ferrari. What is going to get you more tail than the Lotus? A Ferrari will!

Since none of this is my money or life, I say do the dumb thing. It will be an entertaining topic of conversation for the next 6 months or so.

House or a duplex to rent and live in the other half. Turbo the Lotus. Keep the Sti as a DD for now until you buy a house or get out of any debt. Renting is a complete loss. A house would be the way to go. Im sure you could afford it or find a way to. Get a nice house to live in and rent to some buddys.Thats what i would do but again do what makes the most sense and makes you happy.


then get some sex trophys u will have great right offs then

lol. sold.

wow…that was fast.

Thats cool you sold it.

yeah, i practically gave the thing away. I knew it would go quick on ebay. Now i have a bit more room financially for the BMW 326rb (aka: project eurozilla, lol)