Cruise Control: How often do you use it?

I pretty much only use it on longer road trips (vaca).

I use it anytime I’m doing more than just around town errands. Highway always and rural roads any time trafffic allows a steady speed. 75 if it’s 65 and 64 if it’s 55. Did over a 1000 miles in holiday travel and drove through tons of radar traps at those speeds and the cops didn’t care.

I rarely use mine. Only on long trips on the highway or if im stuck behind someone going really slow…

that used to be an option on the trans am…

I’m with Justin. I use it all the time. Keeps me from speeding and going too slow. 1 less thing to think about.

The cruise in the BMW is really nice, it allows you to brake with the stalk, also you can shift gears and it doesn’t disengage, and the display shows exactly what speed you set at/adjust too. In fact, if you drive around an on ramp too fast with it on, it reduces speed for you, and as soon as the turn is over it will go back to the speed it is set at.

I made Jeller cruise for his Evo, he didn’t use it much.



people that dont on the highway and dont know how to control their speed PISS ME THE FUCK OFF.

I notice that people behind me always have the urge to go faster until they’re in front, at which point the fact that they’re the leader scares them and they slow back down.

You wind up leapfrogging these people. Another thing I’ve noticed is that sometimes you’ll be driving in a lane and someone appears to be riding your ass, so you move over and they move over too! It seems like they’re so close that they want to get by, but I think they really just drive somewhat close. Some people just have different comfort levels.

This all can be aggravating, but I try and relax. Life’s too short to be angry all the time.

The drivers in this country are too retarded to make using cruise convenient. I spend more time screwing around with it trying to navigate around other vehicles than I do just cruising.

I’ll use it anytime I’m on the highway in dry weather. In the rain / snow I tend to stay off in case of a slide / hydroplane.

Everyday, keeps me from speeding. Whenever I don’t use it I end up going like 15 over on the highway and I’ve been good about not getting tickets. My 12 year old Hyundai has it, but our '08 doesn’t, so it sucks on the 9 hour drives to NH.

i use mine alot. if i dont my ankle/leg cramps.

When driving on 219, etc I set it for 72mph because I am usually doing about 90 mph so when I approach a known speed trap I just let off and slow down to 72mph. lol

autopark is pretty baller too, comes on the 7’s, x5’s, etc.

Ever since i got 11 points from one speeding ticket and 18 points in one pull over…

Inifiniti has some nice stuff out on the FX, auto-follow which matches the speed of the car in front. If they slam on the brakes, your car will slow down to avoid rear-ending, alerts you when you’re drifting lanes, etc… Pretty sweet stuff.

I only use it on long trips.
my only gripe with it, is that if forces the car to shift when normally it wouldn’t have to.
like going down a hill, then going back up it… forces the car to shift.
when if i had my foot on the pedal, it would save that shift.
Two shifts, technically… one to 3rd, one back to 4th.

i almost never use my cruise control or my AC in my G35. I guess from years of driving older hondas, lifted and wranglers, and all sorts of stupid army equipment I’m just so used to not having those options i don’t care to use um. The only “special” options i really use on my car are the steering wheel radio controls and heated seats.

Drive a stick and you don’t have those issues… Woman.