Curb weight Vs. Race weight

Would someone please clear this up. I always thought curb weight was all fluids except gas and race weight was driver, all fluids and a 1/4 tank of gas(or whatever you have in it the day you race). Is this correct?

Also if this is correct then why are a lot of SS Camaro’s race weight in the 377x lbs range. The curb weight is only 3360…that is a 415 # difference. So is this 200lbs for driver and 215 for gas? I dont know it just dont add up to me.

driver gas,sub frames & roll bars cause there fast enuff to need them!:smiley:

includes gas, oils, grease, antifreeze, driver, and other junk like 8.1 said, rolls and sub frames connectors ect.

yeaj i understand what race weight is but was i correct about the curb weight?

curb weight for an SS is not 3360 bud. It’s 3550, I used to own one.

the SS weighs 33XX “dry” thats with no fluids

there are three kinds of weights when it comes to vehicles.

Dry Weight, Curb Weight, Race Weight.

Dry Weight - Weight of the vehicle minus all fluids and driver
Curb Weight - Weight of the vehicle with all fluids, minus driver
Race Weight - Weight of the vehicle with all fluids (usually 1/4-1/2 tank), including driver, and all optional race accessories.

what about shipping weight?

hey BUD I just got that out of a magazine it said curb weight 3360.

Now all fluids…does that include gas?


It was a 99 SS. It was a SS vs Cobra shootout in 1999.

well 3380 is a v6 shipping weight

hey BUD learn to read, thats a v6… no way in hell an LS1 weighs in the 3300s

if it has weight reduction! bics is like talking to a BRICK! :blue:

yes i know this, but no LS1 from the factory weighed 3300lbs… not even B4C’s and 1LE’s


I usually weigh the Nova with the cell full :dunno:

battary cell?:confused:

cell phone?

I have the magazine at my house…I live right near you. If you want me to show it to you I can. I am only saying that is what Road and Track had it listed as.

theyre wrong, Brian is right. the LS1 is well over 3500lbs.

if the LS1 weighed 3300lbs in an F-body then itd be weighing less than an 04 Mustang GT, which has never been the case.

They may be wrong … I never said that the SS has a curb weight of 3360lbs I just said that the magazine said so. To tell you the truth I thought it was low too. I have always thought it was about 3500. But every magazine has it in the 33XX so whatever. I guess the only way to find out it get a bone stock one and weigh it.

Bics man, you read too much. Quik #2 :kekegay: