Your car is a shark, you can’t possibly tell me that’s the only place you could have put the cutouts, and therefore you’re a pussy.
no i can. i really really can.
but…i found these
and might give these a try.
You should have tried them from the beginning, ya jackass.
You should call a place that specializes in Vettes and ask them whats up with cutouts and the diff brace working together.
i have and i got
“corvette owners dont ever want cutouts so we never do them, only camaro owners. sorry man but i cant help u here”
What a bunch of butt pirates
like we could have made it work but…it would have been inefifcient and not worth hacking up my long very expensive exhaust parts.
i love b&b, i had them on my c5 and my c6z
do u have the bullet?
yes, on both of my cars.
ok well maybe ill just get it then. i dont like shinny tips though. maybe ill have them ceramic coated black or something. not sure thye can do that but i will find out
they could easily be powder coated
Just threw up. SLP is raspy ass junk IMO.
E- Id go with B&B exhaust all day long! Amazing quality, and sounds very nice
Emanuel Ryan had the b&b bullet on his vette. Its loud but its sounds very good. For a car you never drive I think you would be fine going with the B&B
yea i might. i just hate cops harrassing me u know
I hear ya, I just got a exhaust ticket last night. Luckily its a “fix it” ticket…
i have had about 5 with the evo, 3 colonie cops at my house and one colonie police chief calling me on the phone, i really dont want to do that again. this is y the cutouts are so appealing.
Oh I get it dude, trust me lol. But you can EASILY get a ticket with the cutouts too…
not if i close them and be like, see stock mufflers.
Yea I hear ya where you are coming from but if the cops come say some dick head with some loud red piece of shit up the street kept driving by
Oh yea any modified exhaust is illegal.Even cut outs