cutout review, LSX owners read.

who has a red pos? r u sober sean?

Sullivan has his car back

i know i see it everyday. hows it running?

Ive tried that, if they get under and look, they might notice no cats, and then your FUCKED. Also, they wont care, and say its still too loud and give ya a ticket. Ive run into some D-BAG cops like that. Some are alright though and let ya go free.

Either way, the car is gonna sound good man!

Not as good as a certain car on this forum:shifty


Ehh not bad. Still needs some minor things taken care of


Ill let Sully fill ya in if he wants to. Dont wanna be “that guy” :lol

And you asked if I was sober?

You are high as a fucking kite!

I wish

Dont get the cutouts, just rock what you have now damn’t.

then i have to cam it and make close to 700whp :thumbup

learn to spell. ridicule. and if you knew his neighbors at all and knew how many times the cops were at his house, or calling him when he had his evo, youd know why he is hesitant to do an exhaust on the corvette.

Ok, then be done with it.


FML :frowning:

What cutouts do you have? The quicktime performance ones? There was a review on the subaru site that tested some other kind, and the mounting flange had over an inch of “clock-a-bility” to them… you could rotate the motor plate so it doesnt hit anything. i still find it hard to believe you cant fit them anywhere, pre mufflers… but then again i never looked under a vette.

And a side note… your exhaust is titanium? thats nice.

If you want a exhaust, I have a Magnaflow. Its pretty quiet and looks good. Im not sure what power gains it adds thou. I want something louder, which the B&B looks tempting!

you can do a cut out with no problem, who told you you wouldnt? THe only problem i would see is if the cut out was faced towards the trans, which you dont do anyways. One side of a cutout is just like regular exhaust piping anyways so what would be the difference if its faced away from it?

this guy seemed to not have a problem