CV joint on the Scoobaru

1992 Loyale 4WD wagon.
She’s starting to click really bad. Is this something I can do on my own perhaps in my driveway?
I need alittle help here.

can be done but you need some tools like a balljoint fork. and you should replace the balljoint as well

I remember doing a balljoint on my Scirocco…i believe I had to drill it out because it was one of the original ones and was rivitted in. Would this be a similar process??

If the ball joint is not worn out there’s no reason to replace it. Doing a half shaft or cv joint is not a bad job in your driveway…maybe an hour.

Hm…I think I can handle it. I crawled under teh car and was checking everything out. Looks easy enough. One of my regulars at the bar I work at used to be a mechanic and he gave be the big book of import car repairs. I’ll try it myself first…if I get over my head…I’ll throw in the towel (and maybe a wrench.):smiley:

2 words…

PB Blaster.

Shouldn’t be too bad other than rust/seized bolts.

if the ball joint is bad theres a pinch bolt on the knuckle that holds the ball joint, be careful with that one you might want to heat it if your gonna change it. if ur scared to separate teh ball joint from the lower control arm then i would just drop the 2 strut bolts and swing the whole thing down. But if you want to do things the right way, which might get you in trouble if you have limited tools, separate the ball joint from the lower control arm. Just remember to line up the axle correctly before you slam in that roll pin, i’ve seen people put those in crooked and unable to take it back out. hope this helps!