DA integra problem

alright this is the second DA ive had this happen to and cannot find out why…
i use the cars for oval racing occasionally you will exit a corner and the car will die and coast almost the entire strait away then just fire back up and go again, if you cycle the power off and back on with the car coasting in gear it will take right off again. im thinking theres some sort of inertia switch killing ignition power or the fuel pump??? im kinda stumped that its happened to both da’s ive used. can anyone help me out or im gonna have to wire a switch next to the shifter to cycle the power everytime it happens again… as this problem cost me a win at the spring crash-a-rama because i could not reach the key in my harness to cycle the power :meh:

its a auto right?? are you running stock gas tank?

no its a stick both cars were…it is the stock fuel tank in this current car. The last one had a cell with the stock sending unit

Hit up Anonymity. He raced DA’s at Holland for a while. He may have some insight.

I really think there is a “kill” where if there is no gas in there it will not pump if you will

well I know there is something when you have no gas that shit will not turn on … I have a car in the garage that is bone dry and the pump did not turn on … I put 2 gal in it and it did …

you shit is sloshing around to much

that would make sence only happens when u come out of the corner…i suppose i should try running a full tank in erie on the 8th if noone knows for sure

you need to just trust me on this one

i bet the fuel is draining out of the sump in the stock tank. Maybe you should switch to a sumped cell

yea i may have to. dont have the time to get the cell all set up for lake erie im gonna try running a full fuel tank and see how it goes.