daily got a totaled, settlement done.

No insurance company is going to give you more money for a car if it is well maintained. This is wayyyyy to subjective and easy to forfeit. It is a simple formula for them.

Make + Model + trim - miles = price

End of story.

Not true, I fought with an insurance company for a month this year and got an extra 400 bucks because I had proof of recent maintenance via receipts.

you recited the recent maintenance? From memory?


:picard: i hate firefox spell check.


Any updates?

no nothing yet. they where suppose to send over a check for storage on the TDI so I could pick it up… but still nothing.

I faxed them a Book. cover was a page I printed off there website showing my cars approx value of 8k, second page was NADA print out, 3rd was KBB, After I went and found all MK4 TDI’s for sale within 100 miles (craigslist, Autotrader, Egay…) printed them out then organized them cheapest to most expensive and faxed them total was 24 pages. (cheapest MK4 TDI in 100 miles was 6.2k)

I sent that Thursday… now its a waiting game. they haven’t called me and im not going to call them.

but Ill update the thread when I do.

How many miles on the 4 you faxed them?

Highest miles I could find in 100 mile radius was 255k, and it was the third most expensive TDI I could find lol

and if they gave me enough I would so rock it (although no heated/leather seats :():

I think $4900 is fair. This car is worth about $3000 at auction with those miles so anywhere around the $4900 is probably a decent private sale value.

Thank you!

you’re welcome?

alot of people with integra type R’s go through similar problems, just keep fighting it and good luck

well they called back today. he told me my Value red book was 6500.

and then offered me another 375… so the offer on the table from them is 5180.00 including sales tax which they have to pay.

wife says to take it… I told them i needed time to think about it… not sure if its worth fighting anymore im sure i could get more if I keep at it…

So what happened?

Any updates Mike?

Pretty sure he is just driving it still… Buy back?

ya I got 6k for it. They dropped they buy back charge.

So Yes I’m still driving it :), ussing it more as a work car as it dosnt look so nice, after i close on the house ill start peacing parts or maybe buy a doner car/shell

As for dealing with them I just had to keep climbing the ladder till i got some one who just wanted me to go away :stuck_out_tongue:

wait, don’t you have to take it off the road when they total it? since technically it does go over to them and would be branded salvage…

if 8 years or older not necessary. as long as it can safely pass NY inspection.

all of the damage is cosmetic…