Dakota > riced Integra

well last night was the prob the last time i drive my Dakota for the year, but i didnt go out with the big horrah i wanted to…

im driving down XXXX and at a light, theres a V8 Explorer and a White Integra (early 90s mayb?) had some huge rims and the fart can and all the other goodies. light turns green, the Explorer hits hits the gas, and the Teg takes off. i EASE into the gas with overdrive ON and without ever going more than half throttle, i was right on his ass. a little further down the road, he ends up behind me we turn onto XXX and he hammers the gas when hes about a car back from me. i let him get 2 cars in front of me and the turn overdrive off and hit it and walk right by him. we start to approach a light thats turning red, and he slamms on the brakes, turns off his headlights and pulls into a dark parking lot. not sure what was up with that, but whatever.

so much for a blown tranny?!?!?!?


LOL I heard otherwise after the race…BUT I got no proof since the “Cameraman” was doing 35mph hahhaha

I wanna run you again when i have 4 cyls instead of 3:mamoru:

i fixed it for the time being…i think. its still a ticking time bomb waiting to go again.

tonights the last night for the truck, if he wants a rematch i will gladly take it on, not like its worth my time anyway that fucking slow piece of shit.


some kid that my friend knows (no1 really likes him though i dont think) that has this hunk of shit Acura and hes always hating on my truck and he thinks Hondas are the best car in the world and everything made in american is complete shit :rant: you get the idea…

i’ll be around tonight in the usual spot if he wants to man up and settle the score, but like i said its a waste of my time but i’ll still do it for laughs

Ohhhhhh we got the big guy on campus here, Watch out Riceburners :mamoru:

i said if u wanna call you’re little buddy up and get him to come out tonight i’ll give him a fair run. otherwise keep the drama out please

GO DAKOTA! i rock one too…and i fucking hate ricers , although i own a nissan 240sx , im not a ricer

we raced. twice: from a 15 and a 25 roll. i would say between 10 and 12 cars is a good guess at how much i beat him.

on the return trip, roots and i raced, and theres a little story to tell there that enlightened me, but i made another thread about that because i dont see where it fits in here.


This is about the only other worthwhile statement in this thread.


Aww… who am I kidding I love pushrods. :slight_smile:

man. this thread makes me want an R/T of my very own.

smart man

“” man. this thread makes me want an R/T of my very own""""


Why does this piss people off so much. Laugh it off. Big deal.

Every single car sucks compared to another for some reason or another.

I have a question… what does taking it out of Overdrive do for your performance? At WOT an auto won’t go into overdrive anyway. Maybe I don’t know how Dodge trannies work.


Would be better at least if some humor was included when beating helpless 17-18 second cars.