Damen Hale - DWI Hit and Run - IN CUSTODY! :)



As long as I’m giving out good legal opinions, I’d suggest you delete that last post, just in case something does happen to that guy.


Edited :smiley:

Just talked to 2 of the other victims. Badly bruised, fluid in joints, and possible broken bones.

Found another person that knows this dirt bag. Hopefuly more info pans out tomorrow. Still on the run.

Still on the run. Got a couple more leads.
Always looking for more info.

Looks like a douche to me.

Well, we have his home address now, but he hasn’t been there. We have an idea where he is now, but are working on an address.

2935 Grand Island Blvd Apt 6

He also has a Cricket Wireless phone number. I’m not going to post the number but if anyone is able to do any research based on the number

Anyone want to stake out?


Looks like a douche to me.


Not only looks like one, but is one. And talking to others about him, he fits that reputation.

Thats fucking creepy. I have that shirt and look somewhat like that. Lol


Looks like a douche to me.



Thats fucking creepy. I have that shirt and look somewhat like that. Lol



That shirt is from Express, I was gonna buy it haha.

Either way :tdown: for being on the run, man up you are sober now, don’t be a bitch.

Hope the info i provided helped


Hope the info i provided helped


Working on it. I found 4 other people that may be of help in the past 4 hours that know him too.

But thanks :tup:

Should I post his cell number so people can text message him telling him to turn himself in? :slight_smile:

by the power of nyspeed…

lets blow a phone up?


Should I post his cell number so people can text message him telling him to turn himself in? :slight_smile:



while not the most moral thing to do, running was probably the “smarter” thing to do.

That said, i think anyone caught driving drunk, the first time, should never, ever, have a license again. But i also think that alcohol should be illegal…


Should I post his cell number so people can text message him telling him to turn himself in? :slight_smile:



At bare minimum, maybe we can at least waste some of his minutes.


But i also think that alcohol should be illegal…


Alcohol makes girls want to have sex with me.

Nothing to lose.
Text him telling him to turn his lame ass dwi hit and run driving ass in to the cops and face up like a man taking responsibility.


text like mad.


But i also think that alcohol should be illegal…


Amen to that.

This could get interesting.

Is it time to use AIM for maximum message sending?


Nothing to lose.
Text him telling him to turn his lame ass dwi hit and run driving ass in to the cops and face up like a man taking responsibility.


text like mad.


Idk about this Joe i was told he is in hiding due to fear(which may or may not be true) random people telling him he is a murderer or anything like that prolly wont help the situation at all espically with some of the guys on here i can just imagine what is gonna be sent to this kid

Edit: too many people will think its about fun rather than putting an end to the situation